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  • Hi StephenLove, when you create a new job or edit an existing job go to the following section while logged in as an administrator.

    Go to BackWPup >> Jobs = edit jobs >> Files >> then simply select what you do or don’t want to backup.

    I hope this helps you.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter Stephen


    Thanks mbrsolution.

    I see several different files in the “…public html/…” section, but not the extension /webformmailer.php” which seems to be the unreadable file. How do I find and exclude it and will I care if it’s not included in the backup (what’s in it)?

    Similarly …public html/stats/logs? (FYI: I do see this file up to stats, without logs). Is this the file?

    Thread Starter Stephen


    PS: mbrsolution, I suppose an option to excluding unreadable files is to make them readable. Any ideas of how to fix this?

    Thread Starter Stephen


    I went through this whole folder (/home/…/public_html) and excluded each of the dozen or so files individually. Same error until I excluded the whole folder. Then it backed up. Would appreciate knowing how to correct this?

    Hello Stephen, I would exclude the log file you mentioned above from the backup.

    In regards to the other file /webformmailer.php, are you saying that you cannot find that file?

    To change the file permission please follow these instructions from

    I hope this information helps you.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter Stephen


    Hello mbrsolution:

    Thanks again.

    You would exclude which file? Do you mean the whole folder (/home/blog/public_html/) I referred to?

    My other references were to two files within this folder that show up in the log as errors (please see the screen shot in my first post, above).

    To clarify, I cannot find the file: home/blogname/public html/webformmailer.php. With the other, I do see the extension: home/blogname/public_ html/stats, but without the final piece, /logs.

    If I exclude this whole folder, aren’t I excluding all my files? There must be a way to simply fix this? FYI, the Data and Plugins do back up perfectly as a separate job.

    I appreciate your help.

    Hello , don’t exclude the whole folder. As you mention that folder is very important and it contains your whole content.

    You only want to exclude the files that are causing the problem, which is the log file and if you cannot find the other file then I would not worry about that file. There must be something else that is triggering the following file home/blogname/public html/webformmailer.php to display on the log file.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter Stephen


    The problem is that unless I exclude the whole folder (which we know I do not want to do), the backup fails. I excluded each file one by one that is listed in that folder and it still fails. Unless I can find and exclude the files causing the problem, it will continue to fail. I’d appreciate any other feedback regarding finding those files. Thanks.

    Thread Starter Stephen


    mbrsolution: Shouldn’t we expect some input from backwpup?

    Thread Starter Stephen


    Still looking for a reply from BackWPup! Without Support from them, maybe we should start recommending alternatives in the Forum?

    Subtle Stephen…real subtle.

    Hello Stephen did you check to see if your folder home/blogname/public_ html/ has the correct permissions? Can you check and post them here for us to assess.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter Stephen


    Smicky: Just very frustrated at the lack of help from the plugin developer, especially after they asked me to post here. I do very much appreciate the community help.

    mbrsolution: Thanks very much for your continuing efforts to help. I looked at the BackWPup Dashboard and looked through all the tabs. I am not sure where the permissions are located. Could you please advise and perhaps provide a list or screenshot of how the setup should look?

    Here is some info that appears it would include the problem file, wouldn’t it?

    Temp folder:/home/blogname/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-98372-temp/

    Logs folder:/home/blogname/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-a6fdb-logs/

    Also, FYI, I noticed that the General Settings has an option for Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess and index.php. I unchecked it and still get the same error.

    Hi Stephen, to check your folder and file permissions you need to FTP into your server or use cpanel. I prefer to FTP into the server. I use filezilla for windows to ftp into my server. There you will find your website root path. Then you have to check to see if your folder or folders permissions are correct by following the instructions found here.

    Once you are happy with the setup then try to back up again.

    Temp folder:/home/blogname/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-98372-temp/

    Logs folder:/home/blogname/public_html/wp-content/uploads/backwpup-a6fdb-logs/

    The folders above don’t show up on my backup. I am almost certain those files don’t backup at all, they are there solely for BackWPup to use.

    Also, FYI, I noticed that the General Settings has an option for Protect BackWPup folders ( Temp, Log and Backups ) with .htaccess and index.php. I unchecked it and still get the same error.

    Can you check the above again, you need to make sure those folders are protected.

    Also I would like to point out that I am running WordPress 3.6 beta 3 in my test environment.

    Let me know how you go.

    Kind regards

    Thread Starter Stephen



    Just wanted to thank you again for trying to help. I changed permissions and the plugin still didn’t work. I have also learned that the file that causes the error message appears to be a symlink and that the actually file cannot be accessed.

    In any case, I just don’t have the time to pursue this any further and have decided to use my hosting backup. I have deleted this plugin and the several incomplete backups it did manage to create.

    Thanks again for your efforts.

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