• Big mess. On displaying jobs ovetview I get repeated.

    Warning: in_array() [function.in-array]: Wrong datatype for second argument in /mnt/vhosts/2012worldend.org/httpdocs/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/pages/func_backwpup.php on line 248

    Run Now just hangs no message in Working

    Clicking See Working from the Amin bar goes to job ovetview.

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  • the black screen ist fixed im next vversion and the tmp folder is not redablei hope too.

    Hi Daniel, thx for bugfixes.
    whats about the dropbox problem, i’m the only one with this bug?


    Hi Daniel

    I just installed your latest version 2.0.3, deactivated abailey’s interim patched version 1.7.8, re-activated your version and tried an on-demand simple job (database check) which normally completes in only a few seconds.

    Using IE8, the screen went white for about a minute, then the old black screen came back – the only difference being that the two percentage bars read 0% instead of the 100% that they read with the earlier “2” versions.

    After a minute or so with neither the black screen nor the 0% changing, I tried to switch to the Logs view but the page wouldn’t fully load (it started to load but never completed). I also had the same non-loading issue with my website itself.

    I switched to Firefox 5 and was able to load the Dashboard – I aborted the job which showed as still running after several minutes. The Log consequently showed an error (user aborted) for the job.

    It appears that the black screen problems are still not fixed, as least as far as my site is concerned. I have de-activated version 2.0.3 again and gone back to abailey’s patched version 1.7.8 which works flawlessly.

    I hope the above feedback re my test helps squash any remaining bugs.

    many off the ‘black scrren’ must be fixed with the last version.

    with hosteer did u have ?

    Now it’s not working at all. No log files because it won’t stop running so no errors are generated. The catch with my situation is the entire site is behind .htaccess security. The plugin wouldn’t run automatically because of the security, but I could run backups manually. Now it gets stuck.

    Thread Starter abailey



    Tried 2.0.3 and it works adequately on most of my sites. The problem that remains is on starting a job the screen doesn’t come back until the job is complete. Then the black Working screen comes up showing the log.

    However I have one site that is totally messed up. I deactivated and deleyed all versions. Installed 2.0.3. Go to jobs and there is already a job there called “New”. Try to delete the job fails. Edited the job and got a new job called “Copy” and the “New” job remaons as well.

    Tried running the New job and got this error:

    Fatal error: Call to undefined function rtim() in /home/danward/public_html/lettingagentshove.com/wp-content/plugins/backwpup/job/job_start.php on line 221

    It also will not create the log and backup directories but doesn’t report an error like log directory does not exist.

    Looked through the database and can’t find anything with “New” in it so I don’t know where the zombie job comes from.

    BackWPup 2.0.3, WordPress 3.2.1 here.

    Cron run was working under previous releases, now does not, It just generates a log entry, but there is nothing IN the log:

    4 Database Backup
    July 14, 2011 3:43 am: Daily DB – Keep 14
    O.K. only Log 0 sec.
    3 File Backup
    July 14, 2011 3:43 am: Daily File – Keep 14
    O.K. only Log 0 sec.

    Manual backup is working:

    4 Database Backup
    July 13, 2011 9:12 pm: Daily DB – Keep 14
    O.K. 6.86 MB 29 sec.
    3 File Backup
    July 13, 2011 5:43 pm: Daily File – Keep 14
    O.K. 136.08 MB 59 sec.

    Unfortunately we need to have cron backup working.

    I’m having the same problems too, I’m running on two sites (different hosts) one is working perfectly as before..and the other is not working at all.

    I’ve tried deactivating the plugin, manually deleting the options from MySQL, recreating new jobs etc – I even disabled suhosin from my PHP just in case.

    But I’m still getting same symptoms as above:

    After click run – get the blank black working box, and that’s it. Log file is created, job says ok – but log file is blank and no backup was created. I’ve tried both for files and just DB – neither works.

    i have made a new develeopment version that works without sessions. And has hopfuly a better dropbox imprement, but it need some tests of users bevor i can bring it out.

    please test it an give feadback on backwpup.com/froum there it is esyer for me to handele the problems.

    I would test the development version, but I do not know where to get it. Is it in a zip or tar.gz file somewhere I can download?

    Hi Daniel

    I just installed and tested the development version and .. it works!!!

    I ran both my jobs (database table check and database backup & email) and both worked.

    After clicking on “Run Now” the screen went blank for a few seconds and then showed the log (on a black background) showing the job details and that ot completed successfully. My jobs both take very little time so I guess if the database was bigger I would actually see the log being created, rather than just see the end result.

    One error was thrown up in the second log (database backup & email) but it didn’t apparently affect the outcome – this is the relevant section from the log (I replaced my server name with XXXXX):

    2011-07-17 14:50.03: Database Dump done!
    2011-07-17 14:50.03: Add Database Dump to Backup list: XXXXX.sql 18.89 MB
    2011-07-17 14:50.03: 1. Try to create backup zip file…
    2011-07-17 14:50.03: [ERROR] Zip Status: 0
    2011-07-17 14:50.04: Backup zip file create done!
    2011-07-17 14:50.04: Backup archive file size is 1.55 MB
    2011-07-17 14:50.04: 1. Try to sending backup file with mail…
    2011-07-17 14:50.04: Send mail with PHP mail
    2011-07-17 14:50.04: Creating mail
    2011-07-17 14:50.04: Adding Attachment to mail
    2011-07-17 14:50.04: Send mail….
    2011-07-17 14:50.04: Mail send!!!
    2011-07-17 14:50.04: Job done in 3 sec.

    I hope this feedback helps. Thank you so much for your continuing efforts to squash the bugs – it is great to have your latest version working at last ??

    Yep… 2.0.5 seems to work for me, although I’m getting the same zip error that Ridgididgi is getting. It seems to work, OK however.

    false showing of the zip error i have fixed.

    Many thanks, Daniel – no log (zip) errors now ??

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