• Updating a new theme, I went to Editor > header.php and clicked Update file. This brought me to https://www.xxxxxxxxx.com/wp-admin/theme-editor.php

    Bad Request

    Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.

    I tried a few times. I like the theme but but doesn’t like me. I’m off to find a new one but am curious why it would do this.

    Edit: I went to check error logs. Now I’m REALLY confused! I’ll dump ths theme for sure

    [Tue Dec 17 15:42:53 2013] [error] [client 173.********] ModSecurity: Warning. Pattern match “(?:\\b(?:(?:type\\b\\W*?\\b(?:text\\b\\W*?\\b(?:j(?:ava)?|ecma|vb)|application\\b\\W*?\\bx-(?:java|vb))script|c(?:opyparentfolder|reatetextrange)|get(?:special|parent)folder|iframe\\b.{0,100}?\\bsrc)\\b|on(?:(?:mo(?:use(?:o(?:ver|ut)|down|move|up)|ve)|key(?:press|d …” at ARGS:newcontent. [file “/etc/httpd/modsecurity.d/modsecurity_crs_40_generic_attacks.conf”] [line “102”] [id “950004”] [msg “Cross-site Scripting (XSS) Attack”] [data “<meta”] [severity “CRITICAL”] [tag “WEB_ATTACK/XSS”] [hostname “www.xxxxxxxx.com”] [uri “/wp-admin/theme-editor.php”]

    (no clue what it means but CRITICAL tells me to delete)

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  • Your Theme includes a script that the Server ModSecurity is Picking up. It may be a False positive and can be fixed. But my advice to you is to drop it and find another theme.

    Good Luck.

    Thread Starter SickSquirrel


    Thanks. Three more themes and each gave this Bad Request error. I found a perfect theme but need to edit something

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