• While logged into my wordpress admin/options/general section, I accidently typed in a bad URL for my wordpress url and blog url address. Now I have a none functioning site and can’t log back into my admin. Does anyone know how to find the file that was written to to revert this back.

    https://www.jasonkoscinski.com/wp-admin/ (this is the desire and intended url)

    now it points to jasonkoscinski.com/blog/wp-admin (does not work)

    HELP!!! I am also at gtalk: jasonkoscinskiATgmailDOTcom

    my site looks terrible and all links are not working!

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  • Don’t panic!
    Just read this tutorial and change the site_url and home values in the database option table:

    Thread Starter Jason Koscinski


    I followed your tutorial and found that my the site_url and home values were correct. It’s strange. We can access the site but every link is incorrect. The links all contain an extra folder in the path ie. jasonkoscinski.com/blog/?p=30 rather than just jasonkoscinski.com/?p=30

    I appreciate your assitance! Any more ideas where I can look to change this?

    If the two values in the DB are correct and you are using WP2 – try to clear the cache folder under wp-content.

    Thread Starter Jason Koscinski


    maybe this is my problem, I don’t see a wp-content folder from my phpadmin page

    The database – seen from phpmyadmin and the WP files are two different things! There are no folders in the database!
    Folders and files are on your server: the WP files that you’ve installed.

    Thread Starter Jason Koscinski


    I apologize. I understand that my database seen in phpmyadmin is different than the folders on my server. You suggested that I clear the cache folder in wp-content i was still thinking you were referring to the phpmyadmin database. Now i am looking in the cache folder in wp-content. I see 3 folders: users, userlogins and one with a really long name. i also see a file called wp_object_cache.lock Should I delete the one with the long name? Sorry I am really new at most of this.

    I think you can delete all three folders.

    Thread Starter Jason Koscinski


    You rock! Thanks. That was it. I just deleted the folder in the cache with the long name. Now everything is back and looking fine! Thanks.

    Thread Starter Jason Koscinski


    one last question. how do i determine which version # of wordpress i am currently using? I have several blogs set up and just want to make sure all are up to date.

    Just look at the footer of the admin panel – it should be there.

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