Hi W-Ninjas,
…so I have BadgeOS running successfully on one of my sites…it has LearnDash running and Digital Access Pass membership plugin, and Wordfence and a few others. The theme is Thrive Themes (Ignition).
The Badges are working fine on this site.
Then we cloned the site to create a different membership, and we’re using all the same plugins, but new installs of everything.
Then we tried to access this new membership as a non-Admin, meaning just a normal customer, and when we fill in the logins the browser thinks for a long time and then we get a CLoudFlare 502 error, saying we’re timing out.
So we went to Cloudflare and spent 2 weeks with them troubleshooting. Then we asked our server guys to help out, and nothing worked. We could not get any new members to login.
Then we deactivated plugins one by one. And it turns out that BadgeOS is causing the issue.
This is the stack we use:
BadgeOS Congratulations Modal Add-On
BadgeOS LearnDash Add-On
And it’s definitely BadgeOS that’s the problem.
We’ve deleted it (my dev took a long time to find everything and delete it) then re-intsalled, but no joy.
But all the settings are the same as the other site which is working.
We also found out thru the logs that the member is actually being logged in (both to DAP and to WP), but they get stuck in this infinite loop trying to get past the login page.
We’ve also spend a LOT of time with DAP troubleshooting this, but they can’t help. They say it’s a BadgeOS issue.
Ahhh… just found something… the only difference in the two sites regarding the Badges, is we’ve added a badge for when the user logs in for the first time…they get a Welcome Badge and some points. This is great for engagement!! But when I delete the Required Steps on the Badge setup and Edit page, the site works fine again!! I can login, no problem.
But when I use these settings on that page and resave it won’t let me login anymore, I get the timeout. See screenshot of settings: https://www.dropbox.com/s/eqppwgx8kwxg3un/Screenshot%202017-11-23%2014.47.21.png?dl=0
So could you please tell us what the settings should be to avoid this?