Thank you for your feedback about the free-version, @grumblenz.
We take your feedback serious and like to present you how Blog2Social IS different and how many great features the Free version offers for social media automation.
You can connect all of the following networks with the free version to automatically cross-promote your content:
? Facebook,
? Google,
? Twitter,
? LinkedIn,
? Medium,
? Pinterest,
? Instagram,
? Flickr,
? Torial,
? VK,
? Reddit,
? Diigo,
? and Bloglovin.
Especially the customzing options for social media postings have become more and more important and most networks are actively demanding it. Twitter, for example, has recently updated the rules and policies for posting and social media automation, clearly focusing on customized, targeted and individual tweets. And, that’s exactly what Blog2Social was developed for: time-saving and quick customizing of social media content in combination with automation. And this is, what you can fairly do with the free version.
You can add individual comments, hashtags, handles and meta tags for each individual post in the free version of Blog2Social, so you can tailor and adapt your posts perfectly for each of your social media channels.
Additionally, you can re-publish customized posts on Medium, Tumblr and Torial, thanks to a fully integrated HTML editor.
And, with just a single click, you can cross-post your social media posts automatically to all connected networks at once.