Thanks jonmoore!
Regarding this “Our Bank Details”:
It’s the text which appears at the thank you page for a German customer after purchasing with direct bank transfer. There is no possibility to translate it in the strings translation table.
But I have additional problems:
. There is the string “Customer matched zone “Deutschland”” on the cash page, where “Customer matched zone” is also not translated.
. When I choose the English language I get on the cash page in “Your order” the text which you can see in the attached file. There are {/term_link} and {/revocation_link} which should NOT appear here. And when you click on “revocation provision” I come to the GERMAN and not to the ENGLISH page.
. The English language customer gets on his buying reception email the revocation text in GERMAN and not in the ENGLISH language.
I don’t know if the above problems are also connected somehow to my also installed plugin “WooCommerce Germanized”, which I didn’t mention in my first post.
And finally to another problem which is not related to this, but perhaps you know an answer to this:
When you check out the field for the delivery address is activated. But most people want the products to be delivered at the living address. Is there a solution that this field is deactivated?
OK, here you have a lot of questions. But I hope you have time to answer them. Again, thanks a lot for your help in advance.