Banner problem
I have one question if anyone can help me i would be really greateful.
So I want to have banner on the right side of main template od the blue area.
This is now:
And how i want it to be:
/* Theme Name: Kos Theme URI: Description: Predelava teme Floristica (WP Floristica theme designed by <a href="">AOE media GmbH</a>.) Version: 1.2 Author: Anej Ivanu?a Tags: two columns, widgets, fixed width, 800px, yellow, blue, custom header, widgets By downloading and using this theme, you agree to the following terms: - All variations of this theme have to remain GPL - You may use this theme for personal or commercial projects - You may modify, translate or distribute */ html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, font, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; outline: 0; font-weight: inherit; font-style: inherit; font-size: 100%; font-family: inherit; vertical-align: baseline; } :focus { outline: 0; } body { line-height: 1; color: black; background: white; } ol, ul { list-style: none; } table { border-collapse: separate; border-spacing: 0; } caption, th, td { text-align: left; font-weight: normal; } blockquote:before, blockquote:after, q:before, q:after { content: ""; } blockquote, q { quotes: "" ""; } /* Main styles *******************************/ html { height: 100%; margin-bottom: 1px;/* force vertical scrollbars */ } body { color: #333; font-size: 75%; background: url(images/bg1.png) 0 0 repeat; } /* Default fonts *******************************/ body { font-family: 'Comic sans ms', Georgia, Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } input, select, textarea { font-family: 'Comic sans ms', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } pre, tt, kbd, var, code { font-family: Consolas, Monaco, "Courier New", Courier, monospace; } /* Header elements *******************************/ h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 { font-weight:normal; } h1 { font-size: 2.15em; color:#01266f; line-height:1; font-family: Tahoma, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; } h2 { font-size: 2.08em; } h3 { font-size: 1.27em; font-weight:bold; } h4 { font-size: 1.3em; font-weight:bold; color:#ff703f; } h5 { font-size: 1.2em; font-weight:bold; color:#ff703f; } h6 { font-size: 1.1em; font-weight:bold; color:#ff703f; } /* Text elements *******************************/ p { margin: 0 0 1.2em 0; text-align: left; line-height:1.8; } p.last { margin-bottom:0; } p.first { margin-top:1em; } p.img { float: left; margin:0 1em 1em 0; padding:0; } blockquote { margin: 0 0 2em 2em; border:1px dotted #666; padding:1em; } strong { font-weight: bold; } em { font-style: italic; } pre { border: 1px solid #ddd; margin-bottom: 1.2em; padding:1.2em; } small { font-size: .9em; } code { /*style*/ } ins { text-decoration:none; } /*remove underline from text*/ del { text-decoration:line-through; } sub { vertical-align:sub;font-size: .9em; } sup { vertical-align:super;font-size: .9em; } acronym { border-bottom:1px dotted #666; } abbr { /*style*/ } dfn { font-style:italic; } bdo { /*style*/ } q { font-style:italic; } cite { font-style:italic;} dl {line-height:1.8;margin-bottom:1em;} dd {} dt {} /*links*/ a:link, a:visited, a:focus, a:hover, a:active { color:#303030; text-decoration: underline; cursor:pointer; } a:hover { color:#555; } a:visited {} a:active, a:focus { outline: 0; } /*remove border in ff*/ /* decorate lists in posts */ #content .post ul, #content .post ol { margin: 0 0 1em 2em; } #content .post ul { list-style-type:disc; } #content .post ol { list-style-type:decimal; } #content .post ul li, #content .post ol li { line-height:2; } input, textarea{ border:1px solid #cecece; font-size:12px } img { border:0; outline:0; } /* WordPress aligning *******************************/ .aligncenter { display: block; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; } .alignleft { float:left; margin: 0 1em 1em 0; } .alignright { float: right; margin: 0 0 1em 1em; } .wp-caption img { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0 none; } .wp-caption { border:1px solid #eee; text-align:center; padding-top:4px; } .wp-caption p.wp-caption-text { font-size:.92em; text-align:center; } /* Text align *******************************/ .t-right { text-align: right; } .t-left { text-align: left; } .t-center { text-align: center; } .t-justify { text-align: justify; } /* Other *******************************/ .clear:after {content: ".";display: block;height: 0;clear: both;visibility: hidden} .zoom {overflow:hidden;} #root{ width:780px; margin:0 auto; border-top:0; border-bottom:0; background:url(images/body-back.png) 0 32px no-repeat; } #nav-search { overflow:hidden; padding-bottom:2px; } #nav { height:24px; padding:6px 15px 0 15px; float:left; width:520px; background:url(images/nav-back.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; } #nav ul { overflow:hidden; } #nav li, #nav a { background-image:url(images/nav-pages.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; float:left; } #nav li:hover, #nav a:hover { background-image:url(images/nav-pages-sel.gif); } #nav li { margin-right:6px; background-position:0 0; } #nav a { font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; font-size:.92em; color:#fff; height:18px; font-weight:bold; text-decoration:none; padding:3px 12px 0; background-position:100% -18px; } #nav a:hover { color:#000; } #search { text-align:center; padding-top:5px; float:right; height:25px; width:220px; background:url(images/search-back.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; } #search input { font-size:.92em; border:0; vertical-align:middle; } #search input.text {} #search input.submit { background:transparent url(images/search.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; width:40px; font-weight:bold; height:16px; } #sidebar { margin:54px 0 0 10px; width:220px; float:left; display:inline; color:#000000 } #sidebar .content, #sidebar .header, #sidebar .can, #sidebar .footer { opacity:1; } #sidebar .content { position:relative; padding:10px 20px; background:#ffe300; min-height:300px;height:auto!important;height:300px; } #sidebar .header, #sidebar .footer { font-size:0; line-height:0; display:block; height:10px; background-position:0 0; background-repeat:no-repeat; } #sidebar .can { font-size:0; line-height:0; display:block; height:160px; background-position:0 0; background-repeat:no-repeat; } #sidebar .header { background-image:url(images/sidebar-header.gif); } #sidebar .can { background-image:url(images/trashcan.gif); } #sidebar .footer { background-image:url(images/sidebar-footer.gif); } #sidebar h3 { font-size:0px; line-height:0; color:#d60000 } #sidebar .box { margin-bottom:0px; } #sidebar .box li{ display:block; height:26px; background-position:0 0; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-image:url(images/menu_bg.gif); padding:0px 55px; } #sidebar .box ul { font-size:.92em; line-height:2; } #sidebar .box ul ul { font-size:1em; margin-left:1em; } #sidebar li { font-size:1.20em; font-weight:bold; } #sidebar a:link { color:#000000; text-decoration:none; } #sidebar a:visited { color:#000000; text-decoration:none; } #sidebar a:hover { color:#CC0000; font-style:bold; } .box input.text { border:0; background:#FFFFFF; padding:3px; color:#000265; width:120px; } .box input.button { font-size:.92em; } .box .tags { line-height:1.4; } .box .textwidget { font-size:.92em; line-height:1.4; } #recentcomments li { background:none; padding-left:0; } #wp-calendar { width:180px; font-size:.92em; } #wp-calendar caption { padding:4px 0 4px 0; font-weight:bold; } #wp-calendar th, #wp-calendar td { padding:2px; text-align:center; } #wp-calendar thead th { background:#000; color:#FFE400; } #wp-calendar #prev { text-align:left; padding-top:4px; } #wp-calendar #next { text-align:right; padding-top:4px; } #header { height:235px; } #header h1 { padding:102px 0 0 10px; } #header .description { color:#eee; font-size:.92em; padding-left:10px; } #header h1 a { color:#fff; text-decoration:none; } #main{ overflow:hidden; width:538px; float:right; } #content { margin:2px 0 0 0; background:#fff; overflow:hidden; padding:16px; background:url(images/content-footer.gif) 0 100% no-repeat #fff; } #content h2 { float:left; } #content .title { overflow:hidden; padding-bottom:4px; float:left; width:200px; font-size:10px; } #content .date { line-height:1.1; padding-top:4px; float:right; height:32px; width:40px; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background:url(images/date.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; color:#FFE400; } #content .date span { font-size:.92em; display:block; text-transform:lowercase; } #content h2 a { text-decoration:none; line-height:1; display:block; padding-bottom:4px; } #content h2 a:hover { color:#555; background:url(images/h2-a-back.gif) 0 100% repeat-x; } #content .postdata { color:#666666; font-size:0.92em; line-height:1.4; padding-bottom:6px; } #content .postdata a { color:#666; } #content .categories, #content .comments { display:block; } #content .comments a { text-decoration:none; } #content .comments a:hover { text-decoration:underline; } #content .entry { #clear:both; } #content .tags { background:url(images/tags-bottom.gif) 0 100% no-repeat; color:#FFE400; clear:both; font-size:0.92em; padding-bottom:6px; } #content .tags .top { background:url(images/tags-top.gif) 0 100% no-repeat; display:block; height:6px; } #content .tags .content { background:#000; padding:0 12px; line-height:1.1; } #content .tags a { color:#FFE400; } #content .post { float:left; margin-bottom:2em; margin: top; overflow:hidden; width:230px; height:380px; padding:4px; } a.more-link, a.more-link span { background-image:url(images/read-more.gif); background-repeat:no-repeat; } a.more-link { font-weight:bold; font-size:.92em; background-position:0 0; display:block; width:110px; text-decoration:none; line-height:1; float:right; margin-bottom:6px; } a.more-link:hover { text-decoration:none; color:#000; } a.more-link span { background-position:100% -18px; height:15px; display:block; width:100px; padding:3px 5px 0; text-align:center; } /* Comments *******************************/ #comments { } #comments h3 {} .comments-list { margin:12px 0; } .comments-list .avatar { margin-bottom:4px; vertical-align:middle; } .comments-list li { padding:18px; line-height:1.2; } .comments-list li { font-size:.92em; } .comments-list li.graybox {} .comments-list cite { font-weight:bold; font-style:normal; } .comments-list .comment { margin-top:8px; } #commentform { margin-top:12px; } #commentform input.text, #commentform textarea { border:1px solid #eee; padding:2px; font-size:.92em; border-radius: 6px; } #commentform input.text { width:200px; } #commentform input.button { border:0; text-align:center; width:120px; color:#000; font-size:.92em; font-weight:bold; background:url(images/submit-comment.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; } #commentform textarea { width:400px; } #recent{ clear:both; padding-top:2px; color:#fff; } #recent .content { float:left; background:url(images/footer-back.gif) 0 0 no-repeat #000; overflow:visible; width:732px; min-height:170px; height:auto!important; height:170px; padding:15px 24px; } #recent .box { float:left; width:160px; padding:12px; line-height:1.2; margin-right:4px; } #recent .posts { width:300px; } #recent .date { color:#aaa; } #recent ul { font-size:.92em; } #recent li {} #recent a { line-height:2; text-decoration:none; color:#eee; } #recent a:hover { color:#d4d4d4; } #footer { clear:both; padding:8px 24px; font-size:.92em; font-family: veranda; overflow:hidden; background:#00697c; } #footer img { vertical-align:middle; } #footer .copyright { float:left; line-height:3; } #footer .links { float:right; } #footer .links a { padding-left:12px; } .navigation { font-weight:bold; font-size:.92em; line-height:1.2; } .navigation a {} #novica { margin:2px 0 0 0; background:#fff; overflow:hidden; padding:16px; background:url(images/content-footer.gif) 0 100% no-repeat #fff; } #novica h2 { float:left; } #novica .title { overflow:hidden; padding-bottom:4px; float:left; width:440px; } #novica .date { line-height:1.1; padding-top:4px; float:right; height:32px; width:40px; text-align:center; font-weight:bold; background:url(images/date.gif) 0 0 no-repeat; color:#FFE400; } #novica .date span { font-size:.92em; display:block; text-transform:lowercase; } #novica h2 a { text-decoration:none; line-height:1; display:block; padding-bottom:4px; } #novica h2 a:hover { color:#555; background:url(images/h2-a-back.gif) 0 100% repeat-x; } #novica .postdata { clear:both; font-size:.92em; line-height:1.4; padding-bottom:6px; color:#666; } #novica .postdata a { color:#666; } #novica .categories, #novica .comments { display:block; } #novica .comments a { text-decoration:none; } #novica .comments a:hover { text-decoration:underline; } #novica .entry { clear:both; } #novica .tags { background:url(images/tags-bottom.gif) 0 100% no-repeat; color:#FFE400; clear:both; font-size:0.92em; padding-bottom:6px; } #novica .tags .top { background:url(images/tags-top.gif) 0 100% no-repeat; display:block; height:6px; } #novica .tags .content { background:#000; padding:0 12px; line-height:1.1; } #novica .tags a { color:#FFE400; } #novica .post { margin-bottom:2em; overflow:hidden; clear:both; } #novica .post ul, #novica .post ol { margin: 0 0 1em 2em; } #novica .post ul { list-style-type:disc; } #novica .post ol { list-style-type:decimal; } #novica .post ul li, #novica .post ol li { line-height:2; }
HTML (index.php):
<?php get_header(); ?> <div id="content"> <?php if (have_posts()) : ?> <ul> <?php while (have_posts()) : the_post(); ?> <li class="post" id="post-<?php the_ID(); ?>"> <div class="title"> <h2><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" rel="bookmark" title="Permanent Link to <?php the_title(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2> </div> <a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"><div class="postdata"></a> <span class="comments"><?php comments_popup_link('Komentarji: 0', 'Komentarji: 1', 'Komentarji: %'); ?></span> </div> <div class="entry"> <?php the_excerpt(); ?> </div> <span class="alignleft"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>" target="_blank"><img src=""/></a></span> <span class="alignright"><a href="<?php the_permalink() ?>"<img src=""/></a></span> <?php the_tags( '<div class="tags"><span class="top"></span><div class="content">Značke: ', ', ', '</div></div>'); ?> </li> <?php endwhile; ?> </ul> <div class="navigation"> <span class="alignleft"><?php next_posts_link('« Nazaj') ?></span> <span class="alignright"><?php previous_posts_link('Naprej »') ?></span> </div> <?php else : ?> <p> </p> <h2 class="t-center">Not Found</h2> <p class="t-center">Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn't here.</p> <?php endif; ?> <span class="footer"></span> </div> <object width="160" height="600"> <param name="movie" value="somefilename.swf"> <embed src="protest.swf" width="160" height="600"> </embed> </object> <?php get_footer(); ?>
Thanks in advance…
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