juggledad, I am a bit over my head trying to webmaster our site. I read the BFA forum thread you linked to, but was not able to understand how to apply that to a header rather than a BG issue.
I’m having a similar problem, where my header image does not seem to be auto sizing. Although it only seems to run off to the right, so I have had to make it so small its text is badly pixelated, and its width is still inconsistent.
This is our site: ALL Power Labs and this is what I see on our Atahualpa theme’s header page:
“Configure Header Area
Choose from 10 header items to arrange a custom header area:
%pages – The horizontal drop down menu bar for “Page” pages
%page-center – Like above but centered. Note: There’s no S in this tag. It’s not %pageS-center
%page-right – Like above but right-aligned. Note: There’s no S in this tag. It’s not %pageS-right
%cats – The horizontal drop down menu bar for categories
%cat-center – Like above but centered. Note: There’s no S in this tag. It’s not %catS-center
%cat-right – Like above but right-aligned. Note: There’s no S in this tag. It’s not %catS-right
%logo – The logo area, including the logo icon, the blog title & description, the search box and the RSS/Email icons
%image – The rotating (or static) header image with the (optional) opacity overlay left & right and an (optional) overlayed blog title & blog tagline
%bar1 – A horizontal bar, to be used as decoration on top, bottom of between header items. Can be used multiple times.
%bar2 – A second horizontal bar, that can be styled differently. Can be used multiple times.
You can style and configure these header items individually further down on this page, and on the menu tabs Page Menu Bar and Category Menu Bar.
This section here is just for the overall configuration of the header area.
List the header items you want to display, in the order you want to display them.
%image %bar1 %logo %bar1 %pages
%pages %image %cats
%bar1 %logo %cats %bar2 %pages %bar1
[this is in an editable window:]
<div style="width:auto; margin-left:auto;margin-right: auto;"><a href="https://www.allpowerlabs.com"><img src="https://www.gekgasifier.com/wp-content/themes/apl_04/images/header/OrangeWebHeaderSimp.png" /></a></div> %pages
Default: %pages %logo %bar1 %image %bar2″
Unfortunately our site was developed by much more experienced designers who did extensive customization of our theme. We can no longer afford them, and so the webmaster task has fallen to me as our graphic designer, but my code skills are very minimal.