The reason why your CSS would not load is because you did not adapt the link that represents the path to your elementor CSS files.
This is the script that is on the website from Oooh Boi:
(function() {
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", () => {
gsap.set('.ob-barba-loader', {
scaleX: 0,
rotation: 30,
xPercent: -5,
yPercent: -50,
transformOrigin: 'left center',
autoAlpha: 1
barba.hooks.beforeEnter(({current, next}) => {
// Set <body> classes for the 'next' page
if (current.container) {
// // only run during a page transition - not initial load
let nextHtml = next.html;
let response = nextHtml.replace(/(<\/?)body( .+?)?>/gi, "$1notbody$2>", nextHtml);
let bodyClasses = jQuery(response).filter("notbody").attr("class");
jQuery("body").attr("class", bodyClasses);
// Where the magic happens - this loads the new Elementor styles and removes the old styles
if (bodyClasses.includes("elementor-page")) {
let currentPageId = current.container.querySelector(".elementor").getAttribute("data-elementor-id");
let nextPageId = next.container.querySelector(".elementor").getAttribute("data-elementor-id");
let oldScriptURL = "" + currentPageId + ".css";
let newScriptURL = "" + nextPageId + ".css"; // Add this for cache fix: ?cachebuster=' + new Date().getTime()
console.log('Old css: ' + oldScriptURL);
console.log('New css: ' + newScriptURL);
const oldElementorScript = document.querySelector('link[src="' + oldScriptURL + '"]');
if (oldElementorScript) {
loadjscssfile(newScriptURL, "css");
debug: true,
timeout: 5000,
transitions: [{
async leave() {
await loaderIn();
enter() {
window.scrollTo(0, 0);
loaderIn = function() {
// GSAP tween to stretch the loading screen across the whole screen
return gsap.fromTo('.ob-barba-loader',
rotation: 10,
scaleX: 0,
xPercent: -5
duration: 0.4,
xPercent: 0,
scaleX: 1,
rotation: 0,
ease: 'power4.inOut',
transformOrigin: 'left center'
loaderAway = function() {
// GSAP tween to hide loading screen
return'.ob-barba-loader', {
duration: 0.4,
scaleX: 0,
xPercent: 5,
rotation: -10,
transformOrigin: 'right center',
ease: 'power4.inOut'
// This function helps add and remove js and css files during a page transition
loadjscssfile = function(filename, filetype) {
if (filetype == "js") {
//if filename is a external JavaScript file
const existingScript = document.querySelector('script[src="${filename}"]');
if (existingScript) {
var fileref = document.createElement("script");
fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
fileref.setAttribute("src", filename);
} else if (filetype == "css") {
//if filename is an external CSS file
const existingCSS = document.querySelector(<code>link[href='${filename}']</code>);
if (existingCSS) {
var fileref = document.createElement("link");
fileref.setAttribute("rel", "stylesheet");
fileref.setAttribute("type", "text/css");
fileref.setAttribute("href", filename);
if (typeof fileref != "undefined")
if you just copied this code it is obvious that your css will not load because the code includes the individual path of his website.
It’s actually this part of the code that has to be adapted
// Where the magic happens - this loads the new Elementor styles and removes the old styles
if (bodyClasses.includes("elementor-page")) {
let currentPageId = current.container.querySelector(".elementor").getAttribute("data-elementor-id");
let nextPageId = next.container.querySelector(".elementor").getAttribute("data-elementor-id");
let oldScriptURL = "" + currentPageId + ".css";
let newScriptURL = "" + nextPageId + ".css"; // Add this for cache fix: ?cachebuster=' + new Date().getTime()
You would have to copy your individual CSS path of your elementor page css folder
in my case it was the following path:
This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by