• I use Barnsbury as the Theme for my website.

    My Posts are in different languages and each language has its own Category. Next to each Post in WordPress, in the column on the right, I indicate in the Post Settings the Category (language) of the Post.

    In Barnsbury, below each Post, automatically it links to the Previous and Next Post ??

    However, this link does not take the category into account so the Previous or Next Post Is usually in another language ??

    Based on information I found on the internet, I eventually tried to add this code to the functions.php file (similar code seems to work with another Theme)
    – – – – –

    function barnsbury_post_navigation() {
       the_post_navigation( array( 'in_same_term' => true, ) );

    – – – – –

    But that didn’t change anything. Does anybody know where/how to make Previous / Next Page stay within the same Category in the Barnsbury Theme?

    Thanks a million,


    • This topic was modified 3 years, 1 month ago by Jan Dembowski. Reason: Moved to Fixing WordPress, this is not an Developing with WordPress topic

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Success depends on how the theme’s template links to next/prev posts. You could directly alter the template itself. Find where the template outputs nav links and replace it with the_post_navigation( array( 'in_same_term' => true, ) );

    Determining the right template isn’t always all that obvious. There are plugins that can help you do so, such as “Template Debugger”.

    When you alter theme code, your changes are likely to be overwritten when the theme updates. To avoid this, place your customizations in a child theme.

    A child theme would normally be the way to go. This time it’s complicated by the fact that Barnsbury is already a child theme of Varia. And it seems that “grandchild” themes aren’t supported by WordPress. So I recommend against editing functions.php.

    The next option would be to find a filter that lets us change in_same_term’s value. In Varia’s single.php is where the_post_navigation() is called and it leaves in_same_term at the default of false. I don’t see any opportunities to change that to true.

    But the links use get_adjacent_post() which provides a filter for excluded_terms. That suggests to me that we could exclude all other terms and get the same outcome.

    Here’s my code for that solution. You can apply it using the Code Snippets plugin.

    add_filter('get_previous_post_excluded_terms', 'wpsf_exclude_other_terms');
    add_filter('get_next_post_excluded_terms', 'wpsf_exclude_other_terms');
    function wpsf_exclude_other_terms($excluded_terms)
      $this_category = array(get_the_category()[0]->term_id);
      $all_categories = get_terms(array('fields' => 'ids'));
      $excluded_terms = array_diff($all_categories, $this_category);
      return $excluded_terms;
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