• Hello ..
    I would really recommend using this plugin as it is very helpful. however, there are some basic functionality and enhancements need to be incorporated urgently.

    – Accounting
    1- Adopt the customer information automatically to the invoice (Currently only the name of the customer)
    2- Increase the length of characters in Invoice line item descriptions
    3- Ability to add some clauses, terms and conditions in the Invoice.
    4- As there is no export option in the entire plugin, It would really helpful to add export feature to export list of Invoices at least header level.
    5- Fixing exporting the Invoice when using RTL languages.

    – ERP Setting
    1- Ability to add company Bank Information to be displayed in the Invoices

    – Across all modules
    1- Adding Multi Level of Approvers ( currently only one level of approver, meaning the person who creates invoices, payments, expenses, payrolls and etc, he is the same approver for that which is a big Audit Item )

    Thanks for the support.



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