• Hi. I just started yesterday and hvae some basic questions… How do I change the font of text? Also, can I select and move (position) text with my mouse, or does it have to be done with soem sort of X & Y entries?



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  • do u mean your website text or editor text?

    Thread Starter rkartman


    I’m not sure what you mean. I have started an introduction page which only contains a line of text and a picture. I can’t tell what the font of the text is, and I can seel that there is a tool for bolding the text, but nothing that lets you select and change the font (or are fonts selected differently?


    Good Guy


    I’m not sure what you mean. I have started an introduction page which only contains a line of text and a picture.

    In this case, your starting point should be to post whatever you have in the ditor of your WP, save the page and then post a link here explaining what you want to do.

    Keep it simple and you will learn fast and within a month you will be an accomplished WP designer.

    Thread Starter rkartman


    As a starting point, my introduction page just has one picture and one centered line of text. (see https://www.WeRenovate.net) I was wondering how to change the font as well as be able to move the text manually, or is there a way to use tables on a page and place things within cells?

    actually u should use div and html to make ur text look good

    to change font u open style.css and ctrl + f font-family , then change its name

    well… not sure yet whachawant

    Good Guy


    romuloctba is on the right track. However, instead of changing the original style style.css file, you should work with the copy of it. But copy doesn’t mean you copy the entire file; It means you create a blank file and inherit the original styles by using the technique in this article:


    When you have done it, all you need is to copy this text in your style.css file:

    .my-test-div {
    	font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
    	font-size: 18px;
    	color: green;

    Of course you create a div called: my-test-div and you insert the picture using WP’s upload/insert button.

    Hope this helps.

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