Besides what I had listed in that blog post, here are the other ones I have used…
Allow Images – Description: Allows <img /> tags to be posted in your forums. The image must be a png, gif or jpeg.
Memberlist – Description: Displays all active members.
Support Forums – Description: Changes the forum to a support and adds functionality to mark topics resolved, not resolved or not a support question.
BBPress Private Messaging – Description: Integrates Private Messages into BBPress.
Comment Quicktags for bbPress – Description: Inserts a quicktag toolbar on the post topic form. js_quicktags is slightly modified version of Alex King’s newer Quicktag.js plugin modified from original found here.
Post Notification – Description: Sends an Notification email if there’s a new post to an favorite topic.
However, I was using another version of the Post Notification, that gave you emails of new replies on ALL, and any posts. One was specially done up for my request here:
I had the Forum Categories enhancement installed, but, since I’m running bbPress Trunk (bbPress 1.0-alpha) I can’t really use the Forum Categories enhancement, because there seems to be work going on for this anyway, via the core.
I’m not going to bother posting the Ticket link for it. Besides that, that should be all the ones I have had running before. Good luck!