• What is bbpress, a whole new engine completely or a plugin for wordpress? I am alittle confused on that better. I would love to have alittle form in my blog that incorporated into wordpress. Can that be done?

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  • bbpress is a stand-alone product that powers this site.
    https://bbpress.org/ for more information.

    The BBpress user table actually is not that complicated and holds the same information as the wordpress user table.

    I integrated it into my wordpress site quite easily and am well impressed withthe results. CHECK the tables, you could even duplicate the update tables script in the WP register script to duplicate to the bbpress table.

    Thread Starter chan


    Why would wordpress use something else to power there site when its suppost to be wordpress?

    bbpress is the forum software. wordpress doesn’t really do forum stuff.

    Exacty. Otherwise it would be just a load of comments threaded and would look and perform terrible.

    BBpress is exactly what it says on the tin. Very simple with the user and security in mind. Exactly what I (And this community) need from it.

    Do you NEED avatars and file uploads, signatures and private messages to get wordpress support? No. Its great just the way it is.

    Chan, if you need help integrating wordpress and bbpress, I would love to help. Let me know.

    Cinuro, I may not be chan, but I need some help.

    What do you need help with?

    I would like bbpress to work with my WP blog. If any one can help me, email me or MSN me at xerocool119[{{{{{@}}}}}]msn.com :).

    I have tried using the same tables for both wordpress & bbpress but I haven’t got it working, so how does one do it???

    msn&email: [email protected]



    Cianuro – i need a little help with bbPress – if you could give me an email (rob{{{@}}}edgeathletics.com) or IM -(iluvthsgam) i would greatly apprecaite it thanks !!



    I could do with some help too – I’d like people who register for my WP blog to also be registered for bbPress. Ideally I’d like them to only have to login once to be able to access both as well.

    Please mail cdh{{{{@}}}}sabooks.org.uk if you have any tips.



    bbPress is in early development stages, and to the best of my knowledge, there is not yet a way to integrate the two. Even if there was, bbPress is an alpha product so the application will change a lot during its development cycle.

    My advice is to be patient and wait for bbPress to become a more mature application.

    Moderator Matt Mullenweg


    Future posts that ask for bbPress support in the WordPress forums should be deleted. Come on, there’s a whole other site and mailing list for that.

    Moderator James Huff




    Thanks for the advice NuclearMoose – thanks also allusion, though there is a bit of crossover if you’re asking about integrating bbPress and WordPress, isn’t there?

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