• Resolved laulief


    Hello there,

    I wonder if someone can help me with the following problem:

    I wanted to change the order of my posts, so I used this code before the loop:

    query_posts($query_string . “&order=ASC”);}

    Now my posts are indeed in reversed order, but now I get to see all the posts there are of all categories when I go to the url of just one category. In short: my posts aren’t being filtered by category anymore.


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  • try to add:

    global $query_string;

    before your code.


    Thread Starter laulief


    Thanks, but…

    I realize it’s relevant to mention that I just want one category to go in reversed order. So this is the complete code which should do that:

    <?php if (is_category(‘my-category’)){
    query_posts($query_string . “cat=&order=ASC”);} ?>

    If I let the ‘if’ function out of it, it works, but then it also happens on the other categories. Can you help me again please?

    Thanks a lot!

    my answer is still the same –

    it should not matter if you add the global $query_string; before the if or before the query code;

    unless you have tried using global $query_string; already and it did not work.

    Thread Starter laulief


    Oke, that’s strange. So this must do the trik?

    <?php global $query_string; ?>
    <?php if (is_category(‘proef’)){
    query_posts($query_string . “cat=&order=ASC”);} ?>

    If I do this I get the message on my page that there’s no post found in one of the 2 categories.

    my mistake – i din’t read your posted code in your later reply properly – there was an error in that code;


    <?php global $query_string; ?>
    <?php if (is_category('proef')){
    query_posts($query_string . "&order=ASC");} ?>
    Thread Starter laulief


    Thanks man! It works!

    Only, I see it creates a new problem. I have only one thing left which is linked to the two categories. In my header.php I have a code that picks up the oldes post. It must be the oldest post of one category (proef), the one which is in reversed order. But now it picks the oldest post of all categories. I tried this:

    [code moderated - pease use the https://pastebin.com/ for any code of more than 10 lines, see forum guidelines for posting code]

    Do you know how to solve this without it creates a new problem? ?? Thanks a lot!

    can you paste the full code of the template into a https://pastebin.com/ and post the link to it here?

    (how to: https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Forum_Welcome#Posting_Code )

    there is possibly a <?php wp_reset_query(); ?> missing after the first loop / after your code in header.php.

    Thread Starter laulief


    Ah, oke, I had no idea how that works.

    This is the code than:


    try this version https://pastebin.com/LGH8TmV4

    the get_posts() and WP_Query() part is a bit tidyed up.

    hope it works ??

    Thread Starter laulief


    I see what you mean…

    It works perfectly! All my WordPress problems are gone for now ??

    Thanks for all your help!

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