Hi there,
Re: PHP versions. We only show the notices to those on PHP versions where MonsterInsights has an existing public plan to deprecate support. For those users, we want to make sure they get that updated so they will be able to continue to use MonsterInsights. We include a link to both the versions we support, the ones we are planning on removing support for (and when) and a letter you can send to the hosting provider to get them to upgrade you on the link (which is https://www.monsterinsights.com/docs/update-php/).
WordPress as of yesterday no longer supports PHP 5.2, 5.3, 5.4 and 5.5 installs (though we only show the notice for PHP 5.2 & 5.3 as we’re going to internally keep supporting the remaining 2 for a little bit longer than WordPress will).
Along with Yoast SEO and a couple others, WordPress Core had reached out to us about demoing the notices in our plugin (WordPress core itself also ships a notice in the latest versions). As Core will not permit users on the aforementioned versions to update WordPress to the latest version starting with WordPress 5.2 on April 30th, anything we can do to help our users make sure they’re able to keep their site running reliably, and safely, and to continue to use MonsterInsights is a win for us.
2. For the install wizard, we see a lot of our users confused about what steps they need to take in order to ensure they have MonsterInsights installed and configured. This wizard allows users to quickly setup the required minimum steps and includes many behind the scenes features, some of which you might not have seen (for example, we scan the HTML code and show you an alert with a link a guide on how to find and remove them, if we find more than 1 GA install on a site so that way you don’t get double pagecounts — something you can’t reverse later).
We don’t enable auto-update by default, that’s something you have to manually turn on. What we do offer is a setting so that you can have MonsterInsights automatically install new major and/or minor releases (configurable) if you desire, so that way you don’t have to go in and manually update it (which helps out a lot of people who run MonsterInsights on a lot of sites). Again, you have to manually turn that on.
The manual UA code, as mentioned on a different thread, is still supported, the link is missing to enter it on new installs only currently due to a bug after a complete dashboard rewrite into VueJS and we made sure its there on the next version