Hi nevadaking,
The counter can be used on any website (Joomla! or otherwise) by putting the code blocks into the right places. There is HTML that belongs where the counter should appear (i.e. a WordPress widget, Drupal Block or a Joomla! Module, or a sidebar). There is also JavaScript code that belongs in a footer element. Most themes (at least in WordPress and I imagine Joomla! as well) support script insertions in a settings area, or via a third party plugin or extension.
Pasting both of the above mentioned code blocks below. Good luck installing this and please leave feedback for the community to know how you fit this into your Joomla! installation.
<div id="becounted-2" style="width:170px;background-color:#000000;color:#ffffff;font-size:1em;padding:4px 0 4px 10px;margin:0 0 10px 0;"> <div id="becounted-2-0">31 Centaurs</div> <div id="becounted-2-1">2 Dragons</div> <div id="becounted-2-2">410 Gorgons</div> <div id="becounted-2-3">67,961 Mermaids</div> <div id="becounted-2-4">3,646 Minotaurs</div> <div id="becounted-2-5">548 Pegasuses</div> <div id="becounted-2-6">6 Unicorns</div> <div id="becounted-2-7">1,874 Vampires</div> <div id="becounted-2-8">769 Werewolves</div> <div id="becounted-2-9">865 Zombies</div></div>
// Common Functions
var seconds_per_year = 365.256366 * 24 * 60 * 60;
var items_per_year = new Array();
var seconds_elapsed = new Array();
function runbecounted(counter) {
for (var i = 0; i < items_per_year[counter].length; i++) {
var current = items_per_year[counter][i][1] / seconds_per_year * seconds_elapsed[counter];
document.getElementById('becounted-' + counter + '-' + i).innerHTML
= add_commas('' + Math.floor(current)) + ' ' + items_per_year[counter][i][0];
seconds_elapsed[counter] += 0.25;
setTimeout('runbecounted(' + counter + ');', 250);
function add_commas(sValue) {
var sRegExp = new RegExp('(-?[0-9]+)([0-9]{3})');
while (sRegExp.test(sValue)) { sValue = sValue.replace(sRegExp, '$1,$2'); }
return sValue;
// Start Counter #2
items_per_year[2] = new Array(
new Array('Centaurs', 23199336),
new Array('Dragons', 1501799),
new Array('Gorgons', 301275455),
new Array('Mermaids', 49877536490),
new Array('Minotaurs', 2676365000),
new Array('Pegasuses', 402611664),
new Array('Unicorns', 5018470),
new Array('Vampires', 1375940758),
new Array('Werewolves', 564785251),
new Array('Zombies', 635382008)
seconds_elapsed[2] = 0;
if (document.getElementById('becounted-2')) { runbecounted(2); }