• Plugin Author bizswoop


    To help us answer questions as quickly as possible please ensure you provide:

    1. Submit a request from inside the POS plugin. Click POS menu, click Support. Submit request. Make sure option “Send POS system report” is checked. This will automatically generate a request to us with log information for your site.

    2. A link to your site so we can view issues, especially important for issues around appearance or functionality of your website

    3. A video of the behavior or bug you are reporting to us for help. You can use a tool like loom.com or other screen recording tool.

    4. Your WooCommerce system status report and please place a ` on the line before and after your pasted report as you would with code.

    Please note, we cannot support premium paid plugins here. All posts regarding paid plugins will be closed with no support. If you have a problem with a premium plugin, or customization, please contact the our support directly at bizswoop.com/support

    How do I get my WooCommerce system status report?

    Go to WooCommerce > System Status and click on the Get System Report button. Copy and paste this into the thread.

    The report contains information on your setup, plugins and versions, and your theme and is really useful when working out problems.

    Also before you post…

    To rule out plugin and theme conflicts, temporarily deactivate them and re-run your test. If the error no longer occurs, you can find out which plugin or theme is causing your issue, more information here.

    If you don’t follow the requested guidelines your post may take longer to get a response.

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