• Plugin Author iClyde


    Hello everyone

    Please before you post, check if this self-troubleshooting list below can help you out. Your issue may be simpler to resolve than you think.

    If you think this is too much text for you to read, please consider copying the content of this topic and paste it to ChatGPT and ask him for an explanation about your issue, there is a high chance that based on the content of this post he will be able to help you.

    Are you a premium user of our plugin?

    Premium support is not allowed on www.ads-software.com forums, please contact us directly via e-mail (please include your license key).

    There you will receive priority support and a more detailed explanation of the issue including additional dedicated support when needed.

    ? [ support (at) backupbliss dot com ]

    ? Use live chat at: https://backupbliss.com
    ? Keep in mind we are available here during business hours only.

    General Steps:

    1. Whenever you change the configuration in our plugin you need to click on save in a particular section. That save button will only save options from the currently opened section.
      ? So, whenever I mention “Other options” -> do something below make sure to Save that section as well.
    2. Read the FAQ of our plugin:
      ? https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/backup-backup/#faq
    3. You have checked that you have enough storage for the process. The optimal amount of free storage is double the size of the expected total backup size (applies for backup, restoration, migration, and staging).
      ? Some hosting providers fake the amount of free space and trick our plugin.
      ? If you’re 200% sure that you have enough space you can disable space checking in the “Other options” section -> disable space checking: https://prnt.sc/PAlbYsz3RszJ
      ? If you don’t have enough space it may cause issues to your website, so please do that only if you’re entirely sure that there is enough space for the backup.
    4. Check other sections of this post for solutions or continue this list.
    5. Your max_execution_time within php.ini is at least 180 seconds.
    6. Timeout and KeepAliveTimeout directives in your Web Server configuration are larger or equal to max_execution_time in php.ini (the recommended minimum is 180 seconds).
      ? This is about LiteSpeed/Apache/Nginx configuration.
    7. External Storage Backups: For these backups, you still need to have enough space on your website as before it will get uploaded to your External Storage it first has to be created. Once it finishes uploading you can remove it from the website, there is an option to keep the backup in external storage only (in the removal confirmation window).
    8. Check the process live log, you can download the log file in Troubleshooting -> Check Advanced Options. Here below the red button, you can find, backup, restore, and staging logs. When clicked they will start downloading the most recent live log for this particular process.
      ? At the end of the live log, there is a high chance that it will contain an error message or English explanation of what happened.
    9. If nothing helps you, you may consider restoring the default settings of the plugin. You can do that at the very bottom of “Check Advanced Options” under “Troubleshooting” section.

    Backup Process:

    Here you can find the most compatible configuration for the backup process, if it still fails after using these settings there may be something else involved such as third-party plugins or strict web server configuration.

    All listed below options are part of the “Other options” section.

    You can safely enable all of these options.

    1. Disable PHP CLI checking: https://prnt.sc/1sljr31
      ? It’s helpful when your process fails at 0% or 1%
    2. Change backup method: https://prnt.sc/1s1ofpa
      ? It will use a very sophisticated method to bypass many web server limits. It requires you to keep your computer from going Into sleep mode as it may cancel the process.
      ? Consider disabling all of your browser extensions while using this process for full compatibility. These may also cancel the process.
    3. Enable database batch export: https://prnt.sc/bn7MjTUxHuEe
      ? If the process fails at the database stage this option may help.
      ? It will slow down the process to handle only 1 MB of data per request (batch).
    4. For further issues with the database we highly recommend running a complete cleanup and optimizations of your database before making the backup, it can be easily done with a free plugin named “Advanced Database Cleanup”.
      ? It won’t remove anything visible on your website.
      ? It may make your database significantly smaller as it removes junk unused data.
    5. If the issue appeared during archive creation consider excluding the cache directory in the first section of our plugin under “Exclude by directory name”. Insert there ***ABSPATH***/wp-content/cache

    If nothing worked and you want to just migrate your site you may want to make partial backups. These have a higher chance of success.

    1. Make one backup:
      ? Without database
      ? With (Plugins) + (Themes) + (Other files in wp-content) directory only
    2. If it succeeds download that backup to your PC and remove it from the server, then make a second backup:
      ? Exclude database as well
      ? With (Uploads) directory only

      ? If it fails you can continue, but you will need to move your Uploads directory manually via FTP
    3. Same thing there, download it remove it from the server, and make last third backup:
      ? With (database) only
      ? Without any files included

    If these three succeed, you can restore them one by one and in the same order, database at the end with that approach the restoration or migration will be still valid.

    But if the Uploads backup failed, you need to download the entire Uploads directory via FTP manually to your PC and upload it back via FTP to your new server/site. It should be done before the migration of partial backups (numbers 1 and 3).

    Migration Process:

    The migration process does not always mean restoration as it’s usually combined with two steps, download of the backup then restoration.

    In most cases, it fails during the download stage.

    1. Make sure that the URL you’re using is accessible for the site where you want to restore the backup.
      ? Super-Quick Migration does not work with local/private sites.
    2. Make sure there is no security plugin enabled on the site where you created the plugin, these plugins may block the download URL of the backup preventing our plugin from getting it.
    3. If none of the above works, you can simply download the created backup to your computer and then upload the backup manually to the site where you want to restore it.
      ? You can upload your backup file with our Upload Area below backups list, File Manager Plugin, FTP, cPanel File Manager or others.
      ? You can find a proper path (where to upload the file?) below the Upload Area of our plugin.

    Restore Process:

    The restore process requires a bit of time, depending on the database size.

    In our Other Options section, you can find settings which will allow you to speed up the process or slow it down on purpose to fit into your hosting provider’s limits.

    These options can be found under the “Other options” section.

    1. File limit for extraction batching: https://prnt.sc/hr13YkRTSa9s
      ? Decrease to 500, 1000 if extraction process can’t finish
      ? Increase to 5000+ to speed up the process (requires more resources)

    Restore/Migration Success but no content/post:

    1. Make sure that your $table_prefix variable in wp-config.php on the site where you restored the backup matches the $table_prefix variable of the site where you created the backup.
      ? If you can’t access the site where you created the backup you can find the correct prefix in the manifest file of the backup. You can open the backup archive with WinRAR or 7-Zip to access it.
      ? Manifest file is in JSON format, table prefix should be at the end of the file.
    2. Make sure that all plugins have been activated.
      ? Our plugin validates the plugin for PHP and WP compatibility if the plugin does not provide details about the compatibility it won’t be enabled by our plugin to prevent fatal errors.
      ? If the plugin caused errors during automated activation it won’t be enabled to prevent potential fatal error.
      ? Some plugins are hardly disabled by our plugin such as RevSlider as this plugin after migration usually does not work and causes fatal errors. We recommend you reinstall the plugin after migration.
      ? Make sure that all of your Pro plugins are activated and their licenses are enabled. Some plugins will stop working when moved to different a domain and may require revalidation / reactivation.
    3. Resave permalinks, go to WordPress dashboard -> Settings on the side navigation -> Permalinks -> Select Plain -> Save.
      ? You should click on Save even if permalinks are already set to Plain
      ? Once you resave it and confirm it works, you can configure your desired permalink configuration (see step 4 as well).
    4. Make sure that the new website has proper .htaccess file configuration for WordPress
      ? Incorrect .htaccess may make some pages/posts inaccessible.

    Staging Process:

    1. The staging process within our plugin requires at least MySQL 8.0.
      ? Versions below MySQL 8.0 may be not stable or won’t work at all.
      ? In such case consider upgrade of your database server.
    2. Check if your WordPress Root directory is writable.
      ? Our plugin can’t create a Staging site while the Root directory is not writable.

    My backup disappeared from the backup list:

    • Please check if you have multiple backup-migration-<random characters> directories in your wp-content directory.
    • Whenever you reset the configuration to factory defaults it will set a new path for backups, you need to update the path to previously used if you want to see older backups.
    • Changing the backup directory path will merge both directories (your current directory and new directory path) which means all of your backups will be visible after that action.
    • Some security solutions may remove our configuration file which will trigger the generation of a new backup path, in such case you need to manually adjust the backup path and make sure the third-party security solution won’t touch our configuration file which is located under the wp-content directory.

    [IMPORTANT] After any failure:

    1. Force to end both processes (in the troubleshooting section): https://prnt.sc/1trv1tm
      ? That will clean up all temporary files and broken backups.
      ? It’s necessary to run it manually after any error.
      ? Besides its name, it won’t terminate the process but will remove the lock files preventing you from running the process.
      ? It’s good to wait 5-15 minutes before the next process if you’re unsure if it’s still running or not.
    2. If you assume that there is no progress or the process froze you can safely refresh the page and apply step 1 and consider it as failed.

    If none of the above worked for you:

    • Please create a new topic with a title like “Backup Process Fail”, “Migration Process Fail”, “Staging Process Fail”, or “Restoration Process Fail”.
    • In the content provide a short description of what you want to do e.g.:
      ? Do you want to make the backup for migration?
      ? Do you want to fix the backup on the current server (long run)?
      ? Do you want to restore the site after it was hacked?
      ? etc.
    • Once you provide a short description of what you want to do, at the end of your post include DEBUG CODE generated with our plugin.
      ? Debug code includes everything we need to debug the issue.
      ? We see logs of our plugin, please do not include any logs to the post in addition.
      ? Don’t know how to generate debug code? Look down.
    • NEVER include the URL to your backup, we don’t need that unless we ask for it for further debugging.
      ? This file contains all of your sensitive details, sharing it with the public may be very dangerous.
    • The percentage is usually irrelevant for us, each site will have individual stages. Don’t mention it, please.

    How to generate debug code?

    • Go to the Troubleshooting section of our plugin.
    • Click on “Check Advanced Options”.
    • Click on the large red button “Share debug info with BackupBliss Team”.
    • Follow the steps in the opened window after code generation.

    If you can’t generate debug code:

    • Make sure that you have the cURL extension installed and enabled in your PHP configuration. If this module is missing, there may be more things wrong with your website potentially causing more issues.
    • If your website does not allow outgoing requests to the web due to firewall for example, please disable It for this moment.

    Thank you for your time and I hope it can resolve your issues before you write the support topic ??

    ~ iClyde.

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