• i love this theme, the customizable header and the ability to change colors is what every theme needs, but i have one issue with it. whenever i add a post, there is a clutter underneath the post. all i want it to say is published by author and the date, yet on every post it says the author, date, category and tags. too much junk for me, especially if you have short posts its quite a distraction. help please?

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  • Probably need to edit the theme’s index.php and delete references to things like the Template Tag, the_tags() and the_category().

    In the WordPress Default theme, you would edit wp-content/themes/default/index.php and delete this:

    <?php the_tags('Tags: ', ', ', ''); ?> Posted in <?php the_category(', ','multiple') ?>

    If you do continue this thread, please provide a link to download the theme you are using.

    Good point quellcrist. About these options, the idea is to let the users to chose what itens will be avaliable on the administrative area, but the function is not ready yet. We working on it!

    For now you can edit the index.php and remove the lines 76, 77, 78.

    MichaelH, here is the link to the Painter theme.

    Marcelo Mesquita

    quellcrist, now the Painter theme has a new option “custom theme”. There you can select wich post itens gonna be visible, making the publications cleaner.



    I really like Painter and I am using it now for a webpage. I was about to ask the same as quellcrist when you included a new option. Excellent!

    I am using “pages” and at the bottom of each page I get two lines saying when it was created and by whom. How can I remove that?

    Also, I would like to customize (or remove) the date on top of the page. Right now it includes an “of” between the month and the date. Since the name of the month is not in english it looks kind of wierd. So – can I somehow remove the “of”?



    I would like to use the threaded comments with Painter and was wondering if it is likely to be updated in the near future.

    In the meantime, is there anything wrong in deleting the comments.php file so that it uses the default comments.php file instead? I had a go at this and it looks ok and the styling loses are minimal.



    Great potential in this theme!

    I would like for the blog post to show an excerpt on the front page and then a click to see the whole posting.

    Also, can’t seem to fine where to change “Do your comment” to something like “Leave a comment”

    Thanks a lot.



    You gan change the wording “Do your comment” in the index.php file.



    Thanks nikkidev




    I’m trying to use this theme, but when I try to change the colors, I get the following error when I click on custom colors: “Fatal error: Call to undefined function wp_enqueue_style() in /home/cprth/public_html/blogs/wp-content/themes/painter/inc/custom-colors.php on line 707”

    Can you tell me what is wrong?


    Hi Valeriegp,
    this problem is because this function is only avaliable since WordPress 2.6 (you should using an older version). I will try to fix this on the next version that (hope) be prepared to threaded comments too.

    Thank you all for the feedbacks.

    The version 1.1 it’s live, now with threaded comments and the correction for wp_enqueue_style().

    Marcelo Mesquita

    Yipee! Thanks

    I meant to say, which are the changed files?

    Well, almost every files had been updated, only footer.php and sidebar.php stay the same.

    I also love the Painter theme, but can’t figure out how add an image to container background. Option not available in style.css

    I need to locate the CSS file that contains color options, the code that changes when you use the Dashboard –> Design –> Custom Colors

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