• Hi, I have to make modifications on several page for a friend’s wordpress to update the design. I’m thinking about the best ways to publish these new pages. Let me know if the process I fugured out is great: I will desactivate the pages I want to update, create new pages to replace them and paste the current urls in the new pages. So I could keep the old version of the pages, just in case. Is it the good way to do it ? Must I plan 301 redirection (but the URL will remain the same…)

    Thanks for your advice

    • This topic was modified 5 days, 22 hours ago by celinech.
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  • You can use Yoast Duplicate Post plugin. There is an option to Rewrite and Republish which will allow you to work on the page changes as a draft, then publish and replace the existing content when ready!

    Otherwise if you’re planning to keep both pages, you won’t need a redirect as long as the URL remains the same. You’ll need to change the old page slug to “about-old” for example, and make sure the new page isn’t “about-1”, which it will do automatically if the slug is already taken.

    Instead of deactivating and creating new pages, it’s generally better to update the existing pages. This preserves the page’s history, SEO value, and any existing links.

    Hope this helps.

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