• Resolved Steph


    My blog is not multilingual but it is not in English either

    i have set the wordpress language to that language but I need to change the newsletter plug in to that language too

    I’ve read some of the support and FAQ but they seem to all use a language switcher?

    what is the best practice to simply translate all outward interfaces of this plugin?

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  • Plugin Author Stefano Lissa


    Hi, the default texts and labels could be already translated by the community at translate.www.ads-software.com, please check if the update panel of your WP is showing updates for the blog languages. When you switch the language WP takes care to get all the required translations.

    Anyway, the Newsletter’s admin panel lets you customize (and hence translate) every text shown to your users.

    Vice versa, if you need the translation of the admin side, the reference site where to contribute is translate.www.ads-software.com

    Thread Starter Steph



    I will translate it on my site, and contribute to the translation on www.ads-software.com once things have settled down here


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