Thanks for letting me know. I appreciate that very much.
I added the code in the widget for one section called List of Major Tags on the main sidebar on my website Internet Salmagundi homepage and it doesn’t seem to make any difference. Here’s the code as I have it in the widget:
Visible version:
(Count of 5 or more.)
[mctagmap tag_count=”yes” count_order=”DESC” columns=”1″ width=”300″ numbers_first=”yes” group_numbers=”yes” basic=”yes” from_category=”computing-technology, cybersecurity, web-resources, nielsen-norman-group-articles, weather-snow-utah, wsu-resources” minimum_count=”5″]
The text/html version of that is:
<div style=”margin-top: -16px; margin-bottom: 10px; font-size: 0.7em;”>(Count of 5 or more.)</div>
<div style=”font-size: 1.0em;”>[mctagmap tag_count=”yes” count_order=”DESC” columns=”1″ width=”300″ numbers_first=”yes” group_numbers=”yes” basic=”yes” from_category=”computing-technology, cybersecurity, web-resources, nielsen-norman-group-articles, weather-snow-utah, wsu-resources” minimum_count=”5″]</div>
I also use the mctagmap code on a separate page titled List of All Tags By Category build on Beaver Builder. I added the count_order=”DESC” code and it didn’t change the sort order:
[mctagmap count_order=”DESC” tag_count=”yes” columns=”2″ width=”350px” numbers_first=”yes” group_numbers=”yes” show_empty=”yes” show_navigation=”yes”]
It doesn’t appear to be sorting by count on either of these. I wonder if I’ve got something wrong in the underlying code. It’s been a while since I put those together and I am struggling to remember all of the details of proper order for the code. Maybe I’ve got them in the wrong order or am including things that prevent count_order from working correctly.
I did try using just a more minimal code set:
[mctagmap count_order=”DESC” tag_count=”yes” minimum_count=”5″],
and that does work. Although, I’d like to have it not also sort by alpha, so it sorts only by number of tags. That is, as opposed to sorting within each alpha-group. Adding basic=”yes” didn’t help.
So, it’s a step closer to what I’m looking for. I’ve left the two lists of sorted tags in the main sidebar on my site so you can see the result. Ideally I would like to get rid of the letter showing each section (A, B, etc.) and then have the list sort only by count instead of count within each alpha-group. Do you have any suggestions?