• Resolved No?ll Taravati


    De bestelstatus verandert niet goed bij gedeeltelijke terugbetalingen (partial refund). Ik kan de oorzaak niet achterhalen. Kunnen jullie (@Mollie) onderstaand probleem reproduceren?

    Na het uitvoeren van een gedeeltelijke terugbetaling via Mollie verandert de bestelstatus in “in de wacht”. Bij volledige terugbetalingen verandert de bestelstatus naar “terugbetaald”.

    Er is vastgesteld dat de (gedeeltelijke) terugbetaling succesvol wordt uitgevoerd via mollie.nl. De optie Woocommerce > Betalingen > “Bestelstatus na geannuleerde betaling” is ingesteld op “in afwachting”, de optie “Klantgegevens opslaan bij Mollie” is ingeschakeld.

    Log volledige terugbetaling
    12:24: Bestellingsstatus gewijzigd van In behandeling naar Terugbetaald.
    12:24: Mollie – iDEAL betaling _order_status_refunded via Mollie. Je moet de betaling handmatig beoordelen (en de productvoorraden aanpassen als je deze gebruikt). Bestellingsstatus gewijzigd van In behandeling naar Terugbetaald.
    12:24 Nieuwe terugbetaling xxx verwerkt in Mollie Dashboard! Bestelnota toegevoegd, maar bestelling niet geüpdatet.
    12:24 Terugbetaling van EUR21.65 terugbetaald in WooCommerce en bij Mollie. Reason: annulering. Terugbetalings-ID: xxx.
    Status na terugbetaling: “afgerond”.

    Log gedeeltelijke terugbetaling:
    16:10 Mollie – iDEAL betaling _order_status_partially_refunded via Mollie. Je moet de betaling handmatig beoordelen (en de productvoorraden aanpassen als je deze gebruikt). Bestellingsstatus gewijzigd van Afgerond naar In de wacht.
    16:10 Nieuwe terugbetaling re_TENMM8kdEs verwerkt in Mollie Dashboard! Bestelnota toegevoegd, maar bestelling niet geüpdatet.
    16:10 Terugbetaling van EUR2.80 terugbetaald in WooCommerce en bij Mollie. Reason: ander artikel. Terugbetalings-ID: xxx.
    Status na terugbetaling: “in de wacht”.

Viewing 13 replies - 16 through 28 (of 28 total)
  • Plugin Support Syde Niklas


    Hello @nectar91 ,

    My apologies for the long silence.
    I was able to reproduce this behavior.
    When partially refunding an order with the status “completed”, it will be set to “On hold” for manual review. The intentionality of this behavior is something I am not too sure about. But its use is indeed questionable.
    I have yet to hear back from our developers, but I will get back to you as soon as I have new information.

    Kind regards,

    Thread Starter No?ll Taravati


    hi @niklasinpsyde, do you have any update on this? Thanks!

    Plugin Support Syde Niklas


    Hey @nectar91,

    We are still working on this issue.
    Our next update will be released early next week with bugfixes for a few critical issues.
    This behavior however is something we are still working on and hope to include it in the update after the next.
    Rest assured, I will keep this thread updated as soon as I can give you tangible information.

    Kind regards,

    When making a partial refund, Mollie also automatically refunds the amount to the original payment method, but now changes the order status from “finished” to “pending”. This is a big issue for our administration.

    I do the refund on the mollie website/App, but status of the order goes from “finished” to “pending payment”!!!

    This still a problem!! Does there come a fix?

    Plugin Support Syde Niklas


    Hello @pahedomotica,

    I am not yet in a position to make any promises, but we are hoping to be able to improve this behavior with our next major update, planned for some time next month. There are still a couple of things we have to resolve for this to happen though.
    Once I do have confirmation that we can indeed improve this situation, I will let you know.
    Thanks for your patience regarding this!

    Kind regards,

    Hier ook hetzelfde probleem. Het begint nu echt vervelend te worden.
    Alles geupdate, maar nog steeds worden de refunded bestellingen “in de wacht” gezet.

    Any updates? @niklasinpsyde

    Plugin Support Syde Niklas


    Hi @lolaki,

    We unfortunately were not able to provide a fix for the behavior with our last major release and postponed it for our next update in January.
    Though I can’t make any promises quite yet, since we are still working on it. As soon as I see a solution within reach, I will update this thread as mentioned before.
    Thanks for your patience!

    Kind regards,


    Any updates about this? Having the same issue right here with subscription orders. We also use partial refund on ‘parent’ orders and they will also switch to ‘on-hold’, but this also puts the whole subscription on-hold. So it’s not only inconvenient but also affecting our whole subscription proces and sales.

    Other thing we noticed is that we can’t refund partial through WooCommerce on subscription parent orders. This only works for renewal orders. So we have to do this manually now through the Mollie Dashboard. Can this be fixed as well?


    Plugin Support Syde Niklas


    Hi @bits2c,

    This behavior with WooCommerce Subscriptions is something we will need to take a closer look at. We are currently evaluating our options on how to proceed with the on-hold status, and try to address it with our next update sometime in January.
    The holidays delayed our progress a bit, but we take this issue seriously.

    Kind regards,

    Hi there, we are having exactly the same issue here. Please keep us posted about the fix for this problem!

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by rolfvanes.


    We have the same problem and its very annoying that partial refunds/chargebacks result in a status-change. I’ve looked in the source and I think I’ve found the code where the new order status is set to on_hold. FYI: its line 1194 in Abstract.php (Gateway dir).

    I hope Plugin Support (or @aweissinpsyde or @niklasinpsyde ) can change this, or maybe make a hook so we can cancel the status update? I think this would be a small update for de plugin devs so we have a temporary solution?
    Another option is to make it a setting that the status is changed? But that would maybe take some more time?


    Plugin Support Syde Niklas


    Hello everyone,

    Thank you all for your patience.
    The next plugin update for later this month will resolve the behavior with the status changing to On-Hold upon partial refunds.
    In the meantime, you can give this test package with the change pre-applied a try: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l2agcv0KJiiSdNzyIqttKxjGp-vb-q0d/view
    As mentioned, this is a minor change but we want to provide more flexibility for the future. That’s why we are working closely with Mollie and WooCommerce to improve how refunds can be handled by the system. This is also the reason why it took so long for this to be released, but thanks a lot for hanging in there with us.
    Please do not hesitate to reach out when you have any questions or feedback:

    Kind regards,

    Hi Niklas,

    Thanks, we tested it and this seems to work!!


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