Beta testers needed
Until now, wp-Typography has largely been a monolithic plugin, at least on the WordPress side of things, whereas well-established software engineering practices advocate decoupling and a separation of concerns. While a monolithic structure is well-suited to a very small or single feature plugin, wp-Typography is neither.
The upcoming version 3.1.0 of wp-Typography rectifies this situation. In addition to splitting the code into more manageable chunks, it also makes use of some of the more modern PHP features, including autoloading. While these are not changes that benefit users directly, they will ensure that the code is easier to comprehend and extend, aiding in future development.
While I’ve tested the new version, the code changes are extensive and I can’t envision all usage situations, so I’d like to add a round of beta testing by intrepid explorers who fear neither site breakage nor WP_DEBUG ??
One caveat, though: Previous versions of wp-Typography stored the plugins preferences in lots of small options, named in the “camel case” style (e.g. “typoHyphenateCaps”) whereas the WordPress API mandates the use of underscores as a word separator (e.g. “typo_hyphenate_caps”). This beta seemlessly upgrades the old options. However, if you change back to an older version, it will not be able to read the newer options, restoring all settings to their default values.
Notable changes included in wp-Typography 3.1.0-beta.1:
- Refactored plugin code for easier maintenance.
- Changed internal option names to conform to WordPress standards (no camel case).
- Added “Clear Cache” button.
- Performance improvements through lazy initialization and caching of PHP Typography
- Fixed diacritics replacement for UTF-8 strings
- Added workaround for insane NextGEN Gallery filter priority (props Itsacon).
- Sort language names by their translated name
The beta can be downloaded from Github.
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