Better engaging with your readers and followers
Hello developers,
Sorry for my english i’ll do the best i can..
I’ve got an idea that maybe could work out pretty well and become an often used feature for WP to help people build and grow an active blog or community much faster.
The idea is some kinda Badge, Awards or Achievements system maybe build straight into the lovely JetPack plugin that would be extremely great of course but a stand alone plugin would work out pretty fine.
I think the original idea came from the online gaming industry (Xbox) but the first time i saw it been used online on a web based platform was on the commercial version of the Vanilla forums. (
(Badges blog post) makes clearly sense to me you could give your blog or community a little push when readers and followers get rewarded by some kinda Badge when they post or leave comments more frequently.
On Forums (bbPress) this could also work very because you can see who’s a serious and well trusted member of the community and who’s a spammer by the number and different Badges somebody has collected.
This isn’t only a forum useful function i think because Post and Topics (WP + bbPress) are almost the same Custom Types and that’s why it could work on both sides and integrate very well with each other..What will Experts think of it?
I’ve been searching for stuff like this and Mozilla has something New called Open Badges. very nice, only negative side is you’ll need a Backpack ID at this website to show-/earn the badges.
I seriously think the WordPress team (automaticc) could build something better and go further onto this. Lets say they make this part of a social kinda feature for Start earning WP Bages while you sign up for a WordPress or Gravatar ID.
– Sign up at = BOOM welcome badge attached to your profile
– Upload a different Theme or Plugin = Boom an Admin Badge.
– Make your first blog post = another badge
– 100 blog posts = another one
– Help somebody on the support forums = a support Badge
– Transfer your Cloud version over to a self = hosted version you’ll get another BadgeAnd this could keep going and going..
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