• This is a nice plugin, I just used it to create full replacement for linktr.ee on my website.

    But it could be much better integrated with WordPress. I don’t like the custom template builder, because it doesn’t get the default values from the rest of my theme.

    Instead of the custom template builder each part of the preview (image, title, summary, url) should be it’s own custom block. (These blocks should only be available within the main Visual Preview block).

    Then, instead of the custom template editor, you’d just use the same styling options as for all other blocks. This would allow for much more customisation, make the plugin responsive by default and make the plugin less complicated.

    The current function of templates could be handled with block patterns and custom styles.

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  • Plugin Author Brecht


    Thanks for the feedback!

    I agree, actually. The reason it is like this is that the plugin existed before the block editor, so it evolved from that and offered the functionality in a different way.

    Integrating it with the block editor like that would mean a complete overhaul at this point. While I definitely see the benefits, it’s a project I don’t have time for at the moment.

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