• Better than WP-CRM by a long shot since it introduces better field types and way more advanced filtering.

    Has a few bugs though, nothing major from what I’ve seen. It’s definitely slow though and is using AJAX unnecessarily.

    Here’s what I’d like to see changed:
    – The AJAX saving still reloads the page and it isn’t consistent with the WordPress UI.
    – There is no “quick search” so I have to choose a filter option and then type in the users name to locate them quickly.
    – I expected the first page to list all users with the ability to browse, instead it’s empty.
    – When creating a form to display on the front end I expected to see all of the custom fields I created in the drop down that I select when creating a custom front end form. However, they didn’t appear there. I asked the author and he said that I have to select the “Reports” option beside the field when I’m creating it. In my opinion, this should be checked by default. I create different types of forms all the time for different customers and I can’t think of many cases where I wouldn’t want to see those in the drop down.
    – After selecting “Add a Field” multiple times, then attempting to expand any of the added fields; it expands the first field, always, instead of the selected field.
    – And selecting “Add a Field” it takes 3-10 seconds for the field to appear. Tested on multiple sites on different servers hosted by Media Temple and Site5. As a user I’m expecting a loading symbol and instant adding of the field.
    – After selecting “Add a Field”, and the user attempts to move that field into a Section; upon selecting “Save Your Options” it disappears.
    – Upon selecting “Save Your Options” the light box effect overlays the screen and informs the user is saving and that the save completed but then it proceeds to reload the page. If the data is going to be saved via an AJAX request, like that, then why is it reloading the page? I understand it’s because there’s not, currently, a way for those fields to be repositioned and updated to display correctly, but my point is that this AJAX request could be completed with a normal PHP Post action, reduce the load/save time and not disorient the user with an additional overlay that is unexpected as a WordPress user.
    – Since the save button is at the bottom I constantly have to scroll down, it would be nice if it was fixed bottom right, or at least duplicated to the top right of the page. Better than that would be auto saving every time I add a field!
    – I spent a lot of time manually entering a value for “Key” when I expect it to auto-populate based on whatever I enter into “Label”, then allow me to change it if I desire.

    OLD: And the forms and filtering don’t appear to support the custom fields I create. I can’t get a reply from support on this to find out if it’s by design or a bug though. Would definitely give it 5 stars if it’s just a bug and support gets back to me.

    UPDATE: The author replied and said that you have to select the “Reports” option beside the field on the Manage Fields section in order for it to display in the drop down on the Forms page.

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