• Better WP Security was one of the first plugins I installed when I started my WordPress blog a couple of years ago. I haven’t upgraded to iThemes because I wasn’t sure if it was ready yet. One of the things I let Better WP Security do was to give my site a custom login slug.

    Recently I haven’t logged into my site for a little while. This morning I tried to log in to change some information, and got a ‘file not found’ error instead of my dashboard. I can still access the server by FTP, so I had a look at the .htaccess file. The relevant RewriteRule is still in place:

    RewriteRule ^[MY SECRET LOGIN URL]/?$ /wp-login.php?[ALPHANUMERIC STRING] [R,L]

    I tried navigating directly to the URL that I understand the above RewriteRule to substitute for my custom login slug (i.e. [MY WEBSITE]/wp-login.php?[ALPHANUMERIC STRING]) using my browser, and still got the ‘file not found’ error, so my guess is that this URL itself has somehow stopped working.

    Perhaps this is because I upgraded to WordPress 4.2.2 the last time I logged in. Can anyone help? I need to get into WordPress urgently to update my contact details, which have just changed. I’d be happy just to deactivate Better WP Security for a while, but I’m not sure how to do this in a safe way when I can’t access my dashboard in the first place.

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  • Thread Starter chudy_michef


    Well, nobody answered so I deleted both the Better WP Security folder and the .htaccess file using FTP and magically I was able to get back into my site (using the default login URL). I then installed iThemes and I now have a working custom login slug again.

    However, I now get 404 errors for every page and post on my site apart from the homepage and the login URL. So the information I updated on my site is now inaccessible to anyone.

    I’m starting a new thread now. I really hope somebody notices that one and answers.

    Thread Starter chudy_michef


    The new thread is here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/404-error-for-every-page-and-post?replies=2

    In the end I figured out what to do by myself, but hopefully having this here may be useful to someone else in future.

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