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  • David


    Attempt to update from Better WP 3.6.6 results in :

    Update Plugin
    Downloading update from…

    Warning: touch() [function.touch]: Unable to create file /tmp/better-wp-security.tmp because No such file or directory in /home/website/public_html/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 155

    Warning: unlink(/tmp/better-wp-security.tmp) [function.unlink]: No such file or directory in /home/website/public_html/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 479
    Download failed. Could not open handle for fopen() to /tmp/better-wp-security.tmp

    And attempts to manually upload and install the new version result in
    Missing a temporary folder.

    Congratulations on your launch!

    Just so you know, the first thing the update did was remove everything I’d previously whitelisted and lock me out of my website.

    Thanks for the update!



    I hope you made a backup before ‘updating’

    Downloading update from…

    Warning: touch() [function.touch]: Unable to create file /tmp/better-wp-security.tmp because No such file or directory in /home/website/public_html/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 155

    Warning: unlink(/tmp/better-wp-security.tmp) [function.unlink]: No such file or directory in /home/website/public_html/wp-admin/includes/file.php on line 479
    Download failed. Could not open handle for fopen() to /tmp/better-wp-security.tmp
    This is the same message I was getting when trying to update to 4.0.1

    Backups are for sissies. ??



    Not only did the upgrade fail, but I no longer have sufficient permissions to access Better WP Security settings

    So, I deactivated the plug in and uninstalled it.
    Now – try and install the new 4.0.2 fresh

    ERROR – Missing a temporary folder.



    I have a Premium Support Token purchased from a few months ago.
    The link to use it now redirects to

    Seems I can’t even use the paid support to fix this….

    (Matt from foo plugins responded promptly with offer or refund.
    Thanks Matt)



    Related to my default /tmp/ directory not assigned in the config files.


    define( ‘WP_TEMP_DIR’, ABSPATH . ‘tmp/’) ;
    Into your wp-config.php and your problem will be fixed.

    I just made the update. After that I got loged out of my wordpres all the time. Every Link I klicked sent me to the login area.
    Took me a while cause of this to even be able to deactivate it…
    I’m using it on a multisite installation.
    Problem happened on all the sites administration. No Problem visiting the site as a not logged in user.

    Have just updated to Ithemes Security and it went well
    But I was wondering how do I clear the log in the future

    I really don’t like this new version it making my site run very slow and giving me headaches,guess it eat up all my resources,the old version works great now this one not wkring great and that login and logout is a pain in the moo…

    Strange rebranding – the perfect name for it should have been clear: ‘Worse WP Security’ ??

    I particularly dislike that, even if the update works, we no longer have the option to send backups by email to any address other than the site admin email. I used to send them all from all sites to one gmail where they could sit virtually indefinitely without clogging up my ‘real’ email addresses.

    I have found another plugin that does this – WP-DB-Backup by Austin Matzko – and will find another security plugin for the rest.

    I’m happy for the developer, that this plugin was picked up by a larger group, but they didn’t stop to think about how to provide or transition the providing of support it seems.
    There’s nothing on the new iThemes site other than the announcement that they now have the plugin, and nothing at all for support.

    My only problem with the newest revision is that it seems stuck in an email loop talking about changed files. Every few minutes I’m getting the exact same email about files having changed on my site, but the content is exactly the same. Can’t figure out why, since I can go to the configuration page & click the scan files button, and it says no changed files. Just can’t figure out how to get some help with what it’s doing.

    Backup emails are under global settings. Not only can you send to any email but also to multiple emails if so desired.

    @billfry: contact me directly. It isn’t something I’ve seen in testing or beta and would I would love to get to the bottom of it.

    I go to my website today, and it’s a beautiful “FORBIDDEN 403” error.

    I really like the way it gives a totally different feel to the website. Before, the site was too friendly and welcoming, now I have a far more professional and antiseptic clean look.

    Thanks, again, for the update! I look forward to complete failure of my website for the foreseeable future. I’m so glad I did this on my personal website instead of my customer’s websites.

    Congratulations, again, on your launch!

    @chris Wiegman: I’d be happy to. Not sure of your address though so I’ll use the contact form on your site to give you my email.

    I think it may be a loading issue though. I used the selection that splits up the scanning, and so far have received only one email about part of the updated files. I may look at the error logs to see if there’s anything in there.

    Read an old post with similar symptoms that talked about an issue with updating the database… though I don’t think the cause would be exactly the same, it may have something to do with the size of the scan & timing.

    I’ve had the situation for quite a while that when I do a series of updates… especially with several file uploads, I’ll get multiple emails from the file change checker. They’ll have the header/summary information, but the file listing will be missing. Eventually, the content will show up on the last email. The number of emails depends on how many files I’ve uploaded. I just got used to it. This time though, it was flooding my inbox and never seemed to catch up to itself… That may be because of the number of files in the system (though this is a small church site, so it’s really not that big. I’d hate to see it on a large commercial production site.).

    Anyway, I’ll take the rest off-line Chris, and we can go from there.


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