• Anyone who downloaded this plugin should be careful. And take my advice, stick with Buddypress. Buddypress may be lagging in a lot of features but they are trustworthy and dedicated to making this project better. And for free.

    Please don’t buy into this company who is exploiting WordPress’ plugin repository for quick financial gain. They will soon abandon this plugin when they do not get the fast money. Like, there is nothing you can even do with the free version so you’re trapped into buying basic features likes friends, pics, messages and chats?? There is nothing special about this plugin but the modern icons.

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  • Plugin Author PeepSo, Inc.


    Hi Browserco,

    That’s an interesting review of BuddyPress! Personally, I only have good things to say about it. But thank you for highlighting the fact that different users have different needs. Without alternative products coming onto the market, users that need the lacking features you mention would not have an alternative without PeepSo.

    PeepSo is a product developed by the creators ofJomSocial, a Joomla component that has been around since 2008. 7 years of developing, supporting and standing behind our products shows commitment, longevity and a company that can be trusted. Thats not my opinion, that’s thousands of happy customers telling us.

    Our Core product listed here is a completely usable product and it can be used to supercharge your website with a social network for free!. For users like yourself that may need those lacking features, there is the option to purchase any of the amazing plugins that will take it up to another dimension.

    Additional plugins can be purchased separately or as a bundle. Plugins like ChatSo, PicSo, VidSo etc. This is not something we hide form users, in fact, we actively promote it for everyone to know. You writing this review has just done it for us as well. ??

    I believe with competition comes choice, it’s a win for everyone, especially the user. BuddyPress might suit your site and PeepSo may suit someone else’s site. That can only be a good thing, right? From a development point of view, competition drives us all to create something better, be the one to build the next best feature first. How could this be anything but a win for the end user.

    I think in your endeavour to discredit us you have actually;
    1. Given BuddyPress a rather ordinary review on the PeepSo page.
    2. Given me the opportunity to explain to everyone our long term commitment to our products and the amazing skill and innovation our team has to grow and develop incredible products.

    if you would like to try PeepSo at some point please let me know. We value anyones honest opinion or review. I hope you have great success with your site, whichever plugins you use is ok with us at PeepSo ??


    You should take PeepSo up on their offer to give it a serious try, and rethink your review, because my experience with it, and many people I’ve talked to about PeepSo would agree, that it’s a very well built plug-in. Lightweight, very extensible, and I know first-hand that the owner is very dedicated to making this plugin the best it can be for WordPress site owners.

    I hate to say it, but I think your preconceived notions are ill-informed, and you truly made an unfair characterization of not only the software, but the very tight-knit team that created and supports PeepSo. Merav’s operation is extremely professional, follows tight quality standards, and she and her team listen to their customers, and they deliver exceptional products. They make substantial updates regularly, and they support their products 100%.

    I’ve been a customer of hers for over ten years, I know first-hand that you can count on this team to deliver.

    It not an interesting review, its true. Buddypress does more for free than this plugin does. I don’t have money. So even if I did the trial, then I would go back to something else. Why do companies think everyone is made out of money. This is why there is tension between rich and poor because the rich even try to take from the poor too. It is free, so now there should be hardly anything there to use.

    Don’t give me that you are not rich crap. 1 cent is more than 0 anything that I have. Means you are 1 cent richer than me. Money may talk but not all BS walks either.

    The free plugin is more resources used than the point of using it.

    Michael Bryner opined:

    “Why do companies think everyone is made out of money”

    Logically they’d not be “companies” if they didn’t look to making money.

    Here’s the thing – nobody has a gun to your back, Michael. There’s nobody twisting your arm.

    This is an open source site. The authors have released a product, here, under the GPL. They are complying with the GPL in the full spirit of it.

    It costs time to write code – and even money. If you’re happy to work for free – or not work at all – that’s your business. But the world doesn’t owe any of us a living.

    You have other options – use BuddyPress

    I’m not even going to comment on the browserco’s baseless aspersions.

    I seem to taste a bit of frustration fuelled by the tendency of some companies to make the free version of their plugin just inadequate enough to ‘force’ any user to buy the pro version, in the reviews of both @browserco and @michael Bryner. If that is the case, they may have a point in general (I have come accross several of those). However, I don’t know if that is also the case with PeepSo, but I’m about to find out as I’m going to give the free version a try. Actually, thanks to the very review of @browserco, which appearance of unfairness incited in me just enough stubbornness to give PeepSo a try. To be totally honest, I’m also trying out UltimateMember and will be giving BuddyPress a go as well. Still, thanks, @browserco.

    Plugin Contributor Matt Jaworski


    Do try it @theokoopman and I promise you won’t go back once you get the PeepSo experience:

    – the lack of issues, major or minor
    – in (rare) case of issues, theme conflicts etc: professional and quick support that speaks perfect English
    – no “I upgraded PeepSo and now N supporting plugins are broken” scenario

    I think the amount of 5* reviews and the amazing support we get from our users – despite the (temporary) lack of Groups – speak for themselves.

    We want to make our users’ lives easier, at a price equivalent to what a good Western developer would charge you for 1-2 hours of work. While the day-to-day development and testing of all PeepSo components takes approximately 300 hours a week, and roughly estimating, PeepSo as of now is a result of some 20-30 THOUSAND hours.

    We are striving to build PeepSo as a PREMIUM plugin. We are aiming at customers, who value their time and realize TIME IS MONEY. Our ambition is to make PeepSo 200% worth your money, because it will save your time on configuration and potential issues you would be getting with a bunch of random poorly managed Open Source plugins. I’m sorry, but it’s the bitter truth, I have been in the Open Source scene for a decade now. The only REALLY good pieces of software are backed by companies that take RESPONSIBILITY for the code and the user experience.

    May I add somtehing here … I have tried UserPro, Buddypress, Ultimate Member and Peepso … And I give this one a 5 star review … Buddypress has many features but at the other hand … Buddypress depends on free plugins who are abandoned because it’s free … Peepso (and other premium plugins) won’t abandon as quickly just because it’s their financial income ?? Ever thought about that?

    Trust me … As a user who actually tried almost all social plugins I have compared them all as well … Peepso has paid addons that are free with buddypress, that’s true, but they all work together, are integrated with each other and have premium support if you run in any trouble. And that is one big IF cause after using it a couple of months I haven’t had one issue. The same cannot be said about Buddypress …

    And that’s the main difference why it’s worth it’s money. I don’t have much money neither cause I’m have a disability income (Belgium) but I pay for the stable base and the support. The fact it looks better as well is just an extra advantage ??

    I need to avoid stress for my illness and to be honest … Buddypress gave me a lot of stress when there was an issue and I didn’t find any support or solution ?? Technically … The money I put in the extra addons to have great support helps my health as well ?? And health is something no money could buy ??

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