• Plugin Author Ian Dunn


    The release candidate for BGMP 1.9.3 is now available. This release fixes a few persistent bugs in the previous 1.9 releases. The biggest new feature in 1.9 is the addition of the MarkerClusterer library.

    If you’d like to try it out, just download and install it. If you notice any problems, give detailed feedback here and then downgrade to 1.8 until they’re fixed.

    If you don’t notice any problems, please leave a quick note here so that I know it’s working for others.

    I’ve also setup an email list to notify everyone when new RCs are available in the future. That way you’ll have time to test it out on your staging server, and we can work out any bugs before the official release.


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  • Just installed 1.9.3 on our staging server – sad to say it doesn’t work -just blank pages I’m afraid.


    Plugin Author Ian Dunn


    A blank page (“white screen of death”) usually means there was a fatal PHP error, and that PHP’s display_errors directive is turned off. If you turn it on, you’ll be able to see what the actual error is.

    Or, you can check the error log to find them.

    Once I know what the error message is, I can probably fix it.

    Sorry Ian, my comment wasn’t very precise. By ‘blank’ page, I meant that not only did the map disappear from the page so did everything else below the page title – text, graphics. Header image, menus (above and below the header) all as expected, the problem is confined to the body of the page.

    Plugin Author Ian Dunn


    Could you send me a link to your staging server so I can take a look?

    Our staging server is on localhost so sharing is a problem. What can I check for you?

    Plugin Author Ian Dunn


    I’m not really sure what to look for. Would you be willing to send me the following things, so that I can try to recreate your environment locally and test?

    1. Backup of your database
    2. Copy of your theme
    3. List of active plugins
    4. Output from phpinfo()

    If you’d like to do that privately, you can e-mail them to [email protected], or e-mail me a link to Dropbox, etc.

    Also, another user said that removing wpautop() fixed the problem for him. See this thread for details. Can you try that and let me know if it’s working?

    Plugin Author Ian Dunn


    1.9.3-rc2 is now available.

    Plugin Author Ian Dunn


    The release candidate for version 1.10 is out, and the I think the problems in the 1.9 release are fixed. Please test it out and let me know if you have any problems.


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