• brianfreytag


    I recently installed this plugin. Bible.com is my favorite bible app available on the internet right now, but this plugin is using (I believe) an older search query. Bible.com has recently been redesigned with its merger with YouVersion.

    I went to their site and was doing some searching on their site and it appears that their new query string is:



    ve# = Bible Version ID (111 for NIV)
    f3 = First three from the book (mat = Matthew, gen = Genesis)
    c = Chapter (2)
    v = Verse (3)
    ve = Version of the bible (niv, nkjv) this is optional. It searches fine without this

    So searching for Proverbs 3:5-6 in the NIV would be:


    If you need any help, I’m a developer (originally developed Social Media Widget but sold it at the beginning of this year) and would be happy to assist.

    Until resolved, I’ve gone to using BibleGateway.


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  • Thread Starter brianfreytag


    Note that I resolved my issue by changing line 21 of sites.php to:

    $vl_sites["Bible.com"] = array("singleVerseUrl"=>"https://www.bible.com/bible/111/[book].[chapter].[verse]", "verseRangeUrl"=>"https://www.bible.com/bible/111/[book].[chapter].[verse]-[endverse]", "chapterRangeUrl"=>"https://www.bible.com/bible/111/[book].[chapter].[verse]", "bookFind"=>array(),"bookReplace"=>array());

    And then added the following lines after line 44 of verselinks.php:

    45 if(get_option('vl_preferred_website') == "Bible.com") {
    46       $bookName = substr(str_replace("_","",$bookName),0,3);
    47 }

    Now Bible.com is working correctly for me.

    Note that you don’t have an option to choose Bible version and since the NIV is my version of choice, I manually hard-coded 111 into the URL in sites.php. Note also that Bible.com does not allow searches that span chapters since each chapter is displayed individually.

    — Edit – Changed line 46 of verselinks.php because you automatically add “_” to spaces, so 1 Corinthians, 1 Peter, etc, was incorrect.

    — Edit 2 – I didn’t notice you already had YouVersion, but now with the merge of YouVersion and Bible.com, YouVersion uses the same query string as Bible.com so that one is also incorrect.

    Hi Brian or any other dev ??

    On WP 3.5.1, and version 1.2 of verse link, I’m getting this upon install of the plugin:
    “Missing argument 2 for do_settings_fields(), called in /[site]/public_html/wp-content/plugins/verse-links/options.php on line 29 and defined in /[site]/public_html/wp-admin/includes/template.php on line 1107”

    It’s giving me some odd behaviour – such as the tooltip working, but always showing NKJ version from BibleGateway, regardless of the settings I’ve selected.

    Any ideas…? I’d love to use this plugin, as it’d be a great time saver and the popup would make for a great help to my site visitors…

    Many thanks!!!


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