• donloftus


    I have been using 3.4.2 for a long time and everything works just fine on my two domains. I need to make a new web site for my son’s business and was wondering if I can run 3.4.2 for my old sites and download 4.1.1 for his site on the same account. In other words can I run two versions of WordPress at the same time from the same account?

    Would it be easier, and safer, to just start a new account under his name and start from scratch? I know it would cost more because a new account would have to be made instead of just hosting it on my site. I’m not really a web guru, but only someone who has just picked up enough information to be dangerous. Even after all these years, I’m still a newbie. Thanks for any help you can offer.

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  • Anonymous User 13255453


    I’m a little unsure of what you mean when you say create a new account.

    Where are you’re sites currently being hosted?

    In truth, creating a new install of WordPress should have no effect on the two other sites you’ve already created, as the new install will be completely independent, but like I say I’m unsure what you mean by “a new account” or “the same account”!


    Thread Starter donloftus


    Ryan, thanks for your response and I’m sorry for the confusion. I currently host my U-Pick muscadine business and my church on Bluehost so that is where I have my account and I’m using 3.4.2 to run them. If I was to download the new version of WordPress, 4.1.1 and use it for the new site, would it require me to update my other two sites? In other words, will Bluehost let me run two versions of WordPress at the same time. If not, and this is where the new account comes in, then I would have to open an account under my son’s name for his business and then run 4.1.1 on Bluehost for him.

    What I’m trying to do is not upgrade my older accounts because they work just fine and I’m such a beginner, the thought of having to upgrade them just seems like an accident waiting to happen. I will probably have to do it eventually, but I’m holding off for now.

    Once again thanks for your input, it is appreciated.

    If your two WordPress sites are on two different domains at Bluehost, they are different WordPress installs and don’t impact each other. You can upgrade one and not the other. Even if one WP site is a subfolder of the other domain, they are still separate sites and not connected. See Upgrading WordPress ? WordPress Codex. Do backups beforehand.

    Thread Starter donloftus


    songdogtech, thanks for the info. It sounds like I can download WP 4.1.1, and the theme I’m looking at, and start my son’s web site from my account without affecting my other web sites. That’s good! I will work at getting his web site going first and then start looking at upgrading my other two sites. Once again, thanks for your help.

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