• I’m trying to install a bilingual switch between my English and my Spanish pages (already written).
    I downloaded the bilingual linker plugin. And follow the following directions to 3. (see below).
    I’d really appreciate it if somebody could tell me in plain English what 3 and 4 mean.

    Thank you.


    1. Download the plugin
    2. Upload entire bilingual-linker folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
    3. Activate the plugin in the WordPress Admin
    4. Add links to posts or pages in the WordPress editor
    5. Use the OutputBilingualLink function in the loop to display a link to the item translation.
    OutputBilingualLink($post_id, $linktext, $beforelink, $afterlink);
    When using in The Loop in any template, you can use $post->ID as the first argument to pass the current post ID being processed.

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