Hello @pramilaniroshan
Thank you very much for using our plugin.
Q: How can I bind the field value in another field label?
A: You can enter a span tag with a unique class name in the field’s label, like:
To what extent do you think <span class=”user-name”></span> is a likable person
And then, you can insert an auxiliary calculated field (you can configure it as hidden by ticking a checkbox in its settings), and assuming the field with the user name is the fieldname1, you can enter the equation:
Q: How can I show/hide fields depending on the calculated field value? (At the moment, I can only show/hide fields based on other felids, but not calculated fields)
A: The calculated fields include a dependencies section in their settings to allow you to configure dependencies based on the equations’ results. Please, read the following blog post:
In addition, the plugin includes two operations: ACTIVATEFIELD
to activate and ignore fields, respectively, from the equations code.
For example, IGNOREFIELD(123) disables the fieldname123. Please, note I passed as the parameter of the IGNOREFIELD operation only the number component of the field’s name.
Best regards.