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  • Plugin Author vicchi


    That doesn’t sound right. If you’ve set a user’s profile to have the Biography Box hidden (AKA excluded) on posts, either via their profile or via the plugin’s Admin tab, then it should remain excluded regardless of how a post is being displayed (on the front page, on single posts or on archives).

    How are you displaying the Biography Box at the top of the author archive? Via a template tag in the author archive template file?

    What are your configuration settings for the plugin and for the problematic authors (see the Colophon tab in the plugin’s admin settings for these)?


    Thread Starter SheerHeartAttack


    Yes, I’m using a template tag on author.php to display the Biography Box (using your example). Here’s an example of my problem:

    example post (no bio box — good)
    example author archive (bio box shown at top — not good)

    On authors not excluded, though, the bio box shows up fine on posts.


        [wp_biographia_installed] => on
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        [wp_biographia_global_gdl-gallery_exclusions] =>
        [wp_biographia_personnal_exclusions] =>
        [wp_biographia_global_personnal_exclusions] =>

    And for the problematic author above:

                [ID] => 73
                [user_login] => Ava DiGioia
                [wp_biographia_suppress_posts] =>
                [wp_biographia_suppress_pages] =>

    It looks like all the author settings are the same as above, regardless of whether they’ve been excluded.

    Plugin Author vicchi


    Ah … I think we’re getting somewhere now. So how are you calling the template tag? Can you provide the line in your author.php (or archive.php depending on your theme setup) where the template tag is being invoked together with any arguments you’re passing to the template tag?


    Thread Starter SheerHeartAttack


    if (function_exists ('wpb_the_biography_box')) {
    		wpb_the_biography_box ('', '', '', '', '', 'excerpt');
    Plugin Author vicchi


    Hmm … can you try the following …

    if (function_exists('wpb_the_biography_box')) {
        $mode = 'configured';
        $type = 'excerpt';
        wpb_the_biography_box($mode, null, null, null, null, $type);

    … and see if that does the trick?


    Thread Starter SheerHeartAttack


    It did, thank you so much! Perfect!

    Plugin Author vicchi


    Excellent. The first argument to the template tag is $mode … which is either raw (ignore the plugin’s configuration) or configured (honour the plugin’s configuration) … it defaults to raw mode so you’ve just swapped the template tag to use your exclusion settings.

    Glad we got it sorted out.


    Thread Starter SheerHeartAttack


    Aha, I see. Thank you for always being so helpful both with troubleshooting and educating! As a semi-novice I really appreciate it.

    Plugin Author vicchi


    You’re very welcome; we all keep on learning – it’s a never ending process. Enough people in the WordPress community have helped me, it would be really unfair if I didn’t at least try and do the same, wouldn’t it?


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