• Resolved meijersjc


    I’ve been testing the plugin locally, but one thing which pops out very quickly is the matter of tap size errors on ul list items when testing for devices. As such, I’ve been looking at styling the plugin output, but to my shame I’m not seeing the proverbial forest through the trees. It seems the better option might be to use something like .simple-sitemap-page ul {}?

    Pointers would be nice ?? Also, how is the Pro version different, if so, in these matters?


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  • Plugin Author David Gwyer


    I’m not exactly sure what you’re asking?

    “tap size errors on ul list items”

    Could you elaborate on what the issue is so I can take a closer look. Thanks.

    Thread Starter meijersjc


    Sure, this link should clarify the background.

    In short, when looking at the sitemap from a device the list of items (in my case Pages) gnerated by the sitemap plugin works exactly as intended except that when I test the page the distance between the individual list items is thus that it does not comply with Google’s guidelines.

    A Tap Target is pretty much the area a user can use his finger on to activate a link.

    My initial thinking was to modify the css defined within the plugin in order to increase the distance between the list items. But well, that’s where I’m not sure how / where to put the CSS (as it seems the plugin doesn’t provide any?)

    Plugin Author David Gwyer


    Thanks. I understand what you mean now.

    The free plugin (and Pro version) both add CSS classes for you to add styles to if you wish but almost no styles are added to help the sitemap integrate into your active WordPress theme, and uses the native styles specific to that theme rather than impose bespoke styles.

    I’m considering adding some styles, or ‘skins’ to the pro version. One of them could add more spacing for mobile devices. Or a media query could be added to add more space.

    Anyway, for your scenario you could just add this to your existing styles to space out the sitemap list items a little more:

    ul.simple-sitemap-page li {
        padding: 8px 0;
    Thread Starter meijersjc


    A seperate stylesheet would be good. That would make it more straightforward to tweak and then compile (LESS) yes.

    That way it’s simpler to keep the plugin output seperate from theme css editing, while at the same time easier to manage – especially as skins. The alternative in my case is adding styles within the child theme, as opposed to keeping things within the plugin feature.

    Plugin Author David Gwyer


    I’ve added a ticket to look into adding sitemap ‘skins’ for the Pro version, but it is quite easy in your particular case to add extra styling in your case to help with tap gestures on mobile devices.

    Thanks for your feedback.

    Thread Starter meijersjc


    No worries!

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