Bit shocked
I’ve just updated by Worpress install in the usual way, and now I find I’m getting a daunting looking message demanding answers to a bundle of questions I just don’t know!
Going through these one by one, I don’t know my database’s name; I hope I can recall the username and password but can’t be confident; I know my host is Bluehost, but don’t know what it calls itself in these circumstances; and as I’ve got more than one WordPress weblog running, I know I need prefixes but can’t imagine what they might be.
It’s all very depressing… I was going to hit 1000 hits today!
Can anyone please advise in a language I can understand?
Welcome to WordPress. Before getting started, we need some information on the database. You will need to know the following items before proceeding.
1. Database name
2. Database username
3. Database password
4. Database host
5. Table prefix (if you want to run more than one WordPress in a single database)If for any reason this automatic file creation doesn’t work, don’t worry. All this does is fill in the database information to a configuration file. You may also simply open wp-config-sample.php in a text editor, fill in your information, and save it as wp-config.php.
In all likelihood, these items were supplied to you by your ISP. If you do not have this information, then you will need to contact them before you can continue. If you’re all ready…
Let’s go!
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