• Hi Bj?rn, your plugin is great but yesterday I’ve discrovered a fatal issue that your plugin causes.

    When I write an article with some source code in “preformatteed” format, on backend in WYSIWYG editor eveything is OK but on a page (fronted) everything wraps to one line. I didn’t know which plugin did that so I started to turning off each other and problem gone when I deactivated BJLL.

    I don’t know what’s the point. Where is connection between page content in “pre” tag and Your plugin. Strange but please, take a look.

    OK: https://oi44.tinypic.com/x202km.jpg
    BAD: https://oi41.tinypic.com/2ltlw8y.jpg

    Please notify me about anything related to this case.
    Thanks, Matthew

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