• Greetings from Denmark – and happy New Year!

    I used version 1.5
    I have, of course, made a backup of my database
    I followed the guidelines and installed the new version 2.0
    When I go to /my-admin/upgrade.php I get a blank page. Nothing happens.
    It’s the same with the front page of my website (www.riisjensen.dk). It’s blank!

    What is happening?


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  • Sorry to be dense, but this is my first time. Which settings? The one’s in:



    I got the same problem and can’t get it to work.

    I did the upgrade all over. Deleted and uploaded.

    Applied the changeset above, 3382.

    Cleared the cache folder.

    I still only get blank pages. I don’t even get anything from the upgrade.php script. All blank.

    This new version of wp-settings.php might help. Copy it over your current wp-settings.php.

    These settings in config.php (in <b>) Change them to match your server/database settings.

    … // ** MySQL settings ** //
    define(‘DB_NAME’, ‘<b>wordpress</b>’); // The name of the database
    define(‘DB_USER’, ‘<b>username</b>’); // Your MySQL username
    define(‘DB_PASSWORD’, ‘<b>password</b>’); // …and password
    define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘<b>localhost</b>’);

    I had the same problem with blank .php pages after upgrading to WP2. vkaryl’s suggestion worked for me. When I went to the themes.php page I got a notice that my active theme was broken, it loaded the default WP theme and I can see all the pages again.

    Tried the new ‘wp-settings.php’ suggested by ryan. Now i got content on the ‘upgrade.php’ page. But after clicking the upgrade link – going to ‘…?step=1’ i get a blank page again.

    And the rest of them still remains blank. I can’t get to the themes.php to try that solution – since it is also blank.

    Anyone have any suggestions for how to solve this?

    I did expect some issues upgrading. That’s normal. But i wasn’t prepared for total shutdown of my site. I really need to get this solved. Anyone?

    Turns out that you must have a default directory under:


    Here’s how my dir looks now:

    drwxr-xr-x 4 user ftpusers 4096 Jan 1 19:12 .
    drwxr-xr-x 4 user ftpusers 4096 Jan 1 16:33 ..
    drwxr-xr-x 2 user ftpusers 4096 Jan 1 16:44 blix
    drwxr-xr-x 2 user ftpusers 4096 Jan 1 19:12 default

    Once I added the default theme directory and the files from that theme into this dir everything was normal again and I could switch themes with no problem.

    I still have my default theme folder in place :/

    Curious. Does disabling the cache make a difference? Look for the following in wp-settings.php.

    // For now, disable persistent caching by default. To enable, comment out
    // the following line.
    //define('DISABLE_CACHE', true);

    Change that last line to:

    define('DISABLE_CACHE', true);

    Any difference?

    ryan – that did it.

    So – why did it fuck things up? Do i need the cache? Can i work around this and get the cache back?


    Thanks a lot for the fix anyway!

    Btw – should i leave the fixes from 3382 changeset in place?

    Also – looking over the the upgraded WP for just a couple of minutes i am glad i got it to work. It just gets better ?? Thanks!

    I have no idea why that happens with the cache. I’m investigating. You don’t need the cache, so turn it off and forget about it.

    You can leave 3382 in. It’s in the WP repository and will be part of the next release.

    BTW, for those seeing blank pages during/after upgrade, I have some questions. What version of php are you using? Do you have a wp-content/cache/ directory? What are the file permissions on your wp-content/ directory?

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