• My site’s randomly gone blank. Each time I load any WordPress page or page on my blog, I simply get an empty page, not a 404 or anything. Any thoughts on what this is?

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  • btw this is the error in the error log

    “php_admin_flag not allowed here”

    It’s refering to the above post about creating an htaccess file to enable apache errors.

    Well, it’s gone all wonky again. It comes and goes. The tech support for the server insists that index.php is empty but if you look at the file in the file manager, it’s not.

    OK Adding php_admin_flag display_errors on causes internal server errors.

    This is so weird because it’s only happening on one install of WP out of 3 on the same server and it just started happening out of the blue.

    Tech support for A Small Orange is up to level 3 and they can’t figure out what’s going on either.

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