• jarryd12



    So I am fairly new to WP and web design in general.

    I recently was placed in control of my companies website via wordpress.
    I’ve mainly just been updating pages so far, but recently was requested to change our homepage video. I do not have FTP access so I embedded the video onto youtube and then used this link to embed onto the website. Everything seemed to have worked out fine until today when I decided to log in to my admin account and all the pages are white except for the contact and the gallery/testimonial plug in pages.

    I’m using an old version of wordpress (3.3.1) as I did not want to update it until I had learned more about the functionality of the site. I know this probably was not very smart, but I was just trying to confirm that it would not affect the content at all.

    I thought this may have been the cause but when I go to the updates page it is completely blank as well. So if it is I don’t know how to continue with the updates.

    I’m also not sure if maybe by entering my own code into the editor>home page I became locked out because of security purposes ? Or if it was something to do with the coding i implemented itself

    The website is silverberggroup.com. and it seems to function normally externally, just the wordpress is all buggered now.

    Any help as soon as possible would be greatly appreciated. I contacted my boss to find out who created the website and how to gain ftp access and was wondering if this may help as well? But any ideas would be great.


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  • The wordpress white screen of death (also known wsod) is a fairly common error in WordPress. It happens after you try to do “anything” or any actions in your wordpress site.

    This includes logging it, logging out, posting a comment, editing your theme files, or when posting a page/post. From my experience this error occurs when there is a code error in your theme or plugin. From what I heard it can also happen when your wp-config gets messed up or when wordpress core files get corrupt during updates.

    Some things you do to get solution is listed bellow and plz keep backup before you change anything.

    Check wp-config file: First check your wp-config file to find out there have any extra symbol like “?>” or something else which is unnecessary.

    Increasing the Memory Limit: Usually this issue happens because your memory is being exhausted.

    Disabling All Plugins: If increasing the memory limit did not help, or if you have a high memory limit like 256M or 512M, then you need to start troubleshooting. In our experience of troubleshooting this issue, we have always found that the issue is either with a specific plugin or a theme. Let’s go ahead and disable all the plugins.

    Replace Theme with a Default Theme: If the plugin troubleshooting doesn’t fix the issue, then you should try replacing your current theme with a default twenty ten theme. The best way to do this is by backing up your theme folder. Then deleting the theme. WordPress will automatically fall back to the default theme.

    After doing everything, if you dont get any result, let me. I will help you out. Thanks

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