• My site https://www.beyondbee.net is hosted with Bluehost. Earlier today I used the admin section but later I went back and it loaded blank, with no errors. It turns out Bluehost was doing maintenance, upgrading MySQL to 4.1 and PHP to 4.4.1. Why would this blank my admin and what can I do to correct it so I can administer my blog again?

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  • geetarista


    OK, I think I’m getting somewhere! I think it’s the theme. I’m using the second oldest version of Rin. How do I change the theme? I can’t get into the admin to change the theme, so how can I do that to see if it works?

    If you have phpmyadmin, you CAN change your theme.
    Do you have that ? If so, I’ll get some advice together.



    Yeah, I can get into my phpmyadmin. I see a bunch of items in the options table. How do I go in there and change it?

    Click the box just to the right of the red bar.
    It should say “Browse” when hovered.

    Shows where you need.
    Click the small > to get to that page of options
    Find the same thing – it could be a different number, but the words will be the same
    Click the pen icon
    Edit the screen that pops up and replace whatever is there with the new theme name.
    Click Go.
    Repeat for the next line down.

    Thread Starter Bianca Welds


    geetarista definitely got further than I did. I am also using WP1.5.2. I have been using Bluehost since last year and WordPress since March of this year. I have never had a problem with them as host before this.

    I do have access to phpmyAdmin so if you have some advice I would love to hear it. But any ideas as to what in themes would be causing this since it is probably not specific to one theme? I am using a customized WP-Gemini theme to integrate Gallery2 with WordPress.

    Thread Starter Bianca Welds


    I have solved my problem. Based on what podz just said it struck me that the problem for me was more likely related to the admin theme itself since the site was working. I remembered I had tried the wp-admin-tiger admin theme so I used phpmyadmin to deactivate it and then deleted the folder and I have my admin back now. so it seems wp-admin-tiger is not compatible with php4.4.1



    Podz, it’s not a theme issue, I think. It is the admin panel that is blank, not the blog. And they are not alone:
    To all of them happened after BlueHost upgraded something.



    podz, I changed the values in the table, but it doesn’t change the theme–and I did it exactly how you said it. I tried other themes as well. I’m using the second newest version of Rin.

    Thread Starter Bianca Welds


    For anyone else having this problem to use phpmyadmin to solve –
    1. Browse the wp_options table and find the field called “active_plugins”
    2. The value will look like this: a:30:{i:0;s:0:””;…} with a series of entries like i:x;s:x:”plugin name”;
    3. Find the entry for your admin theme and delete it, from the i to the semi-colon in order to deactivate it. Ensure you delete nothing else.
    4. Save the table
    5. I deleted the folder to ensure all was cleaned up.
    6. Reload your wp-admin and you should be able to see the pages now that it defaults back to the default admin theme.

    Good luck everyone.



    Bianca, that didn’t work for me because I don’t have an admin theme. I don’t even know what one is!

    And moshu obviously doesn’t read any of the threads. If he would have actually read this one, he would see that I have an existing 1.5.2 blog that works after the upgrade, and a new 2.0 beta test blog that works fine.



    Don’t hijack a topic and then I’ll read it ??

    @geetarista –the link in your forum name works, as can I access your login, however, the link you provide in this page is to wp-admin.htm which incorrect, it’s simpy wp-admin no file extenstion.



    I’m not hijacking the topic. Read the topic title: “Blank wp-admin after PHP upgrade”. We now know that the php upgrade is an indirect issue. Something may have changed, but why do my other blogs work fine? They were both active when the upgrade was made. We are still dealing with a blank wp-admin. That’s the problem.




    It’s just what I saved from “View Source”. If you right click the blank area and “View Source”, you can see the exact same thing that I see.

    OK. I see, but here’s a question. I got robbycolvin.info/wp-admin, and I see the login screen. All of it. So are you saying you can’t?

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