• I started blogging one year ago, and I chose GoDaddy for my hosting (BIGGEST MISTAKE EVER) and now am suffering all the time with their really cheap hosting, errors, downtimes, and useless support !

    My wordpress based blog gets down several times a day, and I’m also suffering with the error “500 Internal server error” when I load my website, and I asked for their help numerous times but all I get was useless answers.

    I even tried to upgrade my account to their 4 grid hosting (supposedly better), yet non of issues were solved, if fact things have became even worse !

    I tried to google my frequent “500 internal sever error” problem just to find out that many out there are suffering the same problem with GoDaddy.

    I heard turning of the FastCGI may resolve the problem, but I don’t know how to do that, do any one have any idea ? This will be my last chance with GoDaddy then I’m moving to another webhosting company.

    The funny thing is that when I asked friends who are running similar blogs with other web hostings, they said their blogs were down maybe once or twice during a whole year, while my GoDaddy hosted blog gets down 10/20 times a day !!

    Thanks GoDaddy for ruining my life and my hardwork !

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  • 500 errors are typically permissions issues. Look at your file permissions and make sure they are set correctly. Also make sure ownership of the files are appropriately “owned”


    Could you please provide a current site link? Thanks. Make sure to turn debug mode on and add the php info file too.

    @swansonphotos When i contact GD support they send me to a higher Tier of tech support because i am asking specific technical questions that the front line techs usually can’t answer. So any way my point is you will find higher and lower levels of tech support from GD. The top Tier techs really know their stuff, but it requires that you know your stuff too. Any way just like anything else – if you don’t know the right question to ask how can you expect someone to give you the answer you want. ?? I am very impressed with GD Tech support and am very proud to say that. I deal with a lot of different hosts and GD tech support is the best i have come across so far out of at least 50 different hosts.


    I don’t have the correct permissions to access the page…. what the heck is going on????

    This can also be caused by either not having a php handler or having an incorrect php handler in your .htaccess file. Also if you have a php handler problem this could possibly explain all your other problems.

    Well, I haven’t had issues all day, so I am assuming it really was simply a plugin issue. I’m really at a loss of words however because any other time a plugin has caused issues, it quickly goes away once it/they is/are deactivated (and sometimes completely deleted), but in this case, the error stayed around for awhile. This is odd and I guess I’ll have to go to the Cubepoints website itself to see if anyone else has ever encountered this error before.

    Sorry guys, I’ve just never seen this many issues last after the plugins have been deactivated and deleted for so long.

    Also there is always this possibility going on – a hacker has found a possible exploit or vulnerability in the code and is throwing different scripts at it to see what can be exploited. This will generate random PHP errors and most of the time will not give away what exactly is going on. This is when an HTTP error log comes in real handy and also if you use ErrorDocument handling in an .htaccess file and send hackers to a BlackHole 403 template then they will be logged, but also sent to no mans land instead of filling up your PHP error log file. Even if you have removed the script the automated hacker bot (99% of all hacking is done with bots) will keep plugging along until a human intervenes. ??

    I have spoken to the Office of the President of GoDaddy.Com after writing on Bob Parson’s Blog and was given less support (or care for the situation) than any first call receiver…so…no…I say again..with many emails, with many witnessed calls…that a call to GD support is useless.

    1. They send you emails with generic information that is both irrelevant and untimely.
    2. They disparage any knowledge you may have of the matters.
    3. They put you on hold after having been on hold for a long time already and claim to have discussed the matter with an ‘advanced’ member of support.
    4. Time spent for not, they will only suggest to pay for a higher $ service.
    5. I have asked multiple U.S. Senators to review this as (can’t say that).
    6. Time matters….they may be getting the point soon.

    Wow if that had ever happened to me when dealing with a GD tech i would be fuming mad. I think i’ve had one bad call in the last couple of years and the tech had no business calling himself a tech. All the other calls went smooth like butter. Sorry to hear that you have not had the same experience.

    My background is in IT so I usually call and ask my question and get the answer i am looking for and carry on about my business in minutes, but also most of the time i am contacting them to confirm something technical or asking for some technical info that i need to know so maybe if i called them about a problem that i could not figure out then yeah it might be a totally different experience. ?? Any way sorry to hear that you have had such bad experiences with GD. ??

    I did not call to ask simple questions, I called to ask quite complicated ones, and it is quite clear to me that they have no formal way to present those challenging matters to those who can affect daily use of their services.

    Oh i wasn’t saying i was calling to ask simple questions. I usually call to ask questions that the front line techs have never heard before. ??

    Well if they have done you wrong then tear em a new #$%@*%($


    I wrote to them last night and included this and another link on this forum and asked them to reply…I received a standard cut and paste reply, ‘please provide more info’…like talking to the wall…

    Man. This is frustrating. Getting the error again, but it took until now. Worse yet, no errors in error log since 2 hours ago and there was the damn “Premature end of script headers” in the index again leading to the 500 internal server errors.

    greatgamingcrusade.com is the site

    Before anyone says anything, yes I know, the homepage is filled with images, but I take the time to lower their quality before loading them up. But yes, for SOME visitors, the homepage MAY load slowly occasionally. It is a gaming site after all.

    However, forgetting any slowness factors, I don’t think you’de get the error anyway. It seems to be me more often than not. I think every night/morning at this time, this ocurrs. No clue as to why, No help from GoDaddy except for the usual “servers are slow at peaks of traffic” no crap! It’ not the slowness bothering me. I was running fine aaaall day without the Cubepoints plugins being activated and installed. I mean, I was zipping in and out of pages on both the front AND back ends. This HAS to be a server issue now.

    Well, some new crap is starting to occur. I now get incomplete pages when they finally decide to load, as if a connection to the database isn’t complete. Things all over the site saying that it doesn’t exist like polls, menus anything. On the backend admin area, I basically am now getting the “I do not have permissions” error.

    This is nuts man. No way anything I am doing causes this. I made sure to ONLY do regular WordPress work today. No code, plugins, theme or anything else touched. Only articles in Posts and Pages. Unreal. GoDaddy is getting b**ched out so hard tomorrow. Also, no errors to report in either the Apache or PHP logs….

    I mean, this absolutely HAS to be a hosting server issue right? If I go days of getting errors, then almost a full day of no issues at all and now the issues are rampant again, it has to be GoDaddy right? Somebody tell me I’m not crazy, jesus.

    Well the possibilities are still not narrowed down to a definite server side issue:
    MySQL Server is failing somewhere – software or hardware
    A connectivity issue between MySQL Server and other Servers or possible software / hardware issue in the mix.
    Your MySQL database has damage somewhere
    Your website is hacked – a Shell script is running in the background
    — have you scanned your site at any point? Sucuri has a very good website security scanner.
    You have invalid code in your .htaccess file
    You have an invalid directive setting in your php.ini file
    Also did you confirm earlier in the conversation that this is definitely not a connectivity issue between you (ISP, computer virus) and your site?
    Both Ping and tracert look good for your site. No timeouts or drops. Usually when Server Hardware is failing you get timeouts or drops.
    So if you were just going by checking connectivity to the Servers and the Servers themselves they look good.
    So you should try and eliminate as many things as you can and also this info will be helpful to the GD peeps.
    run ping -t greatgamingcrusade.com from a DOS / Command Prompt and let it run for 15 or so minutes and then screenshot it or copy and paste it.
    run tracert greatgamingcrusade.com and save that info.
    The GD people do this themselves to check Servers, but things like a hard drive failing can some times be very intermittent and some types of hardware failure might not show a drop or timeout.
    Any way are pinging the prod server so you are not directly checking the MySQL server so you could just create a simple script like this to check connection issues and generate mysql errors. Maybe loop it or sleep it or something like that to check it at regular intervals.

    $link = mysql_connect(‘localhost’, ‘mysql_user’, ‘mysql_password’);
    if (!$link) {
    die(‘Could not connect: ‘ . mysql_error());
    echo ‘Connected successfully’;

    Okay, will do.

    By the way…. my site is fully functional yet again. Very odd.

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