Aside from being sure to have the same Theme Name / Slug / Text Domain — I’m starting to think some problems I was [and at time still am] experiencing has to do with a need to code add_theme_support() in the theme’s functions.php file.
I was trying to create header and footer template parts with a custom logo and had nothing (in functions.php) to tell WordPress to support it, e.g. –
add_theme_support( 'custom-logo',
array( 'height' => 125,
'width' => 500,
I also was trying to have a navigation menu in my header and foot, (which always disappeared), so I added —
add_theme_support( 'menus' );
function lexinews_reg_menus() {
'navt-menu' => _( 'Top Nav Menu' ),
'navb-menu' => _( 'Bottom Nav Menu')
add_action( 'init', 'lexinews_reg_menus' );
I think not having that was causing the FSE to encounter a “Navigation” block and telling me “You do not have permission to edit menu” or “Menu no longer exists” or other messages I was getting from my disappeared menus… (Sorry for not giving better bug report of exact error message or when & why they occurred).
But I could be completely wrong and have no idea if I am going about building a Block Theme correctly — too many moving parts….