• Resolved Marlimant


    I found out this plugin blocks the WordPress admin bar when using Oxygen builder.

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  • Plugin Author Dave McHale


    Hi @marlimant

    Do you have any additional info you can share about the issues you’re seeing? That certainly should not be the case, since this plugin should not affect any REST endpoint functionality while you are logged into WordPress. What do you see in the network tab of the developer console – is there a specific error you can share?

    Unfortunately I do not have access to an Oxygen license to test this myself, but am happy to look into it if you can get me more information.


    Thread Starter Marlimant


    Thanks for the fast reply.
    It seems that I was using and old version of the plugin because today the problem has gone and I see a new interface with the option of select rules for Authenticated and Unauthenticated users. All works Ok now.

    Thanks and I’m sorry to bother you.

    Plugin Author Dave McHale


    @marlimant glad to hear it’s working for you now, and not a bother at all. Take care and thanks for using the plugin!

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