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  • Plugin Author SiD


    Hey @marknopfler

    Yeah its a know error. But hope that feed is loading just fine.

    I have added an attribute max_tries in updated version of plugin. It will limit number of tries to fetch Instagram data until throwing. Might be useful to avoid arbitrary CORS issues.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter marknopfler


    Ok now it is working.

    A little bug on your description page:

    Userful Attrubutes if things go south.

    max_tries – Number of tries ( Defualt = 4 ) to fetch Instagram data until throwing. Useful to avoid arbitrary CORS issues.
    max_tries (cache_time) – Instagram response cache expiry time in minutes ( Defualt = 360 ). Increase this if you get banned too often.


    Plugin Author SiD


    Hey @marknopfler

    Nice catch! Fixed description page.

    Thank you for letting me know.


    Hello Developer,
    I am trying to use your plugin on two websites using this code:

    [simple-social-feed username=”rome” limit=”8″ column=”4″ margin=”1″ max_tries=”2″ cache_time=”720″ ]

    on the first one I do not see any images and checking on the chrome developer tool I see:

    Access to XMLHttpRequest at ‘’ from origin ‘’ has been blocked by CORS policy: No ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ header is present on the requested resource.

    2) on the second one I see all the text about the post without images. Doing the same test I found:

    106367173_2559507027712794_2160596114560323399_n.jpg:1 Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE.NotSameOrigin

    Tell me please, could you help me to fix these issues?

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