• ResolvedModerator Pippin Williamson


    Hi there!

    I just wanted to let you know that this plugin is blocking the Instant Payment Notifications that PayPal sends in Easy Digital Downloads.

    The IPNs are sent to site.com/index.php?edd-listener=IPN

    It also blocks webhooks from other payment gateways, such as Stripe.

    It would be awesome if those could be excluded from the anti-spam ??


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  • The IPN listener of the Sell Media plugin was also blocked by WP-Spamshield on my site. Disabling for “misc. forms” helped me get rid of the problem. Sell Media uses the IPNListener found on Github by WadeShuler: https://github.com/WadeShuler/PHP-PayPal-IPN

    Plugin Contributor redsand



    I get the distinct feeling you didn’t read my last post. ??

    For any future readers of this thread:

    Being that this thread was initially started for an issue where WP-SpamShield was blocking the PayPal IPN when used with Easy Digital Downloads plugin (an issue that was fixed in version 1.9.5), if your issue is not directly related to the combination of WP-SpamShield, Easy Digital Downloads, and PayPal IPN, please start a new thread because that is a separate issue. This thread has gotten off track a bit since it was opened, and the WordPress support forum guidelines ask users to start a new thread for separate issues. Thank you.

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  • The topic ‘Blocks PayPal IPN (and webhooks from other gateways) in Easy Digital Downloads’ is closed to new replies.